The primary goal of this study was to identify genetic loci associated with steroid hormone levels (cortisol, DHEA-S, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione, and aldosterone). In a secondary analysis, we searched for causal effects of steroid hormones on coronary artery disease.
Supplement Data for Publication including Supplement Material & Results (eQTL annotation, Mendelian Randomization (MR), further significant loci), Figures (correlation plot of steroid hormones, scatter plot of genetic effect sizes, regional association plots, scatter plots of MR) and Tables (Correlations, GWAS summary statistics, interaction tests, MR results)
Projects: Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology, LIFE Adult, LIFE Heart
Study position:
Study type: Genetic study
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Views: 3595
Created: 16th May 2019 at 16:44
Last updated: 24th Mar 2020 at 11:40
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The LIFE-Heart study recruited 7,000 patients with suspected coronary heart disease, manifest heart disease or myocardial infarction. All patients received coronary angiography so that the vascular status in the heart is precisely known. In principle, this examination is not feasible in population-related studies. In addition, the patients were thoroughly examined with regard to the general vascular status and the health of the cardiovascular system. Extensive environmental factors were recorded. ...
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Human Diseases: cardiovascular system disease
Goal of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) is the investigation of civilization diseases like depression, diabetes, allergies or cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose we collect as much data as possible regarding health and living conditions of the population in Leipzig and provide these data for scientists of the University of Leipzig and other research institutions.
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
This population-based study examined 10,000 participants randomly selected from the Leipzig population (2011 to 2014). A follow-up is to be carried out from 2017 - 2020. The study mainly included people aged between 40 and 79. All participants underwent a 6-hour study program and people over 60 years of age were invited two more times to in-depth study of cognition and depression and the brain (MRI, EEG). Extensive measurements of genome, metabolome and transcriptome are available. The LIFE-ADULT ...
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Human Diseases: mood disorder, dementia, coronary artery disease, obesity
The group is interested in omic-level studies including the genome, methylome, transcriptome, and metabolome of the general population as well as of various diseases including cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, sepsis, obesity, and brain cancers. Additionally, we aim at transfering results of biomathematical model simulations into clinical practice e.g. by haematopoietic growth-factor opimization during cytotoxic chemotherapy and optimization of EPO applications in chronic kidney disease.
The ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2013
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Resutls of different OMICS-level using LIFE Adult and LIFE Heart data are presented (Publications, Supplemental Data, & Summary Statistics).
Submitter: René Hänsel
Studies: DNA methylation patterns reflect individual lifestyle independent from o..., GWAMA PCSK9, GWAMA Phytosterole, GWAMA Steroid hormones, GWAMA vaspin, GWAS Body Scanner Measures, GWAS Carotid Plaque Burden, GWAS Pulse Wave Velocity, GWAS Steroid Hormones, scRNA-Seq across species for pulmonologists
Resources: Gene Expression data, LIFE-Adult EPIC data, Summary Statistic for PWV GWAS, Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics, Summary Statistics - Phytosterols, Supplement Data, scRNA-Seq expression data as RDS Seurat file
Snapshots: No snapshots
We are releasing the summary data from our meta-analyses of steroid hormones, to empower other researchers to examine variants or loci in which they are interested for association with these hormonal traits. These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge ...
Submitter: Janne Pott
Resource type: Genome Wide Association
Technology type: SNP Array
Investigation: OMICS Investigations
Study: GWAS Steroid Hormones
Human Diseases: No human diseases
Data files: Summary Statistics for 17-OH-Progesterone, Summary Statistics for Aldosterone, Summary Statistics for Androstenedione, Summary Statistics for Cortisol, Summary Statistics for DHEAS, Summary Statistics for Estradiol, Summary Statistics for Progesterone, Summary Statistics for Testosterone
Snapshots: No snapshots
The primary goal of this study was to identify genetic loci associated with steroid hormone levels (cortisol, DHEA-S, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione, and aldosterone). In a secondary analysis, we searched for causal effects of steroid hormones on coronary artery disease.
Submitter: René Hänsel
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: OMICS Investigations
Study: GWAS Steroid Hormones
Human Diseases: coronary artery disease
Data files: GWAS_SteroidHormones_SupTables
Snapshots: No snapshots
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: J. Pott, YJ. Bae, K. Horn, A. Teren, Andreas Kühnapfel, H. Kirsten, U. Ceglarek, Markus Löffler, J. Thiery, J. Kratzsch, Markus Scholz
Date Published: 6th Jun 2019
Publication Type: Not specified
Human Diseases: coronary artery disease
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of cortisol for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of DHEAS for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as follows: ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of testosterone for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of estradiol for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of progesterone for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of aldosterone for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source as ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of 17-OH-progesterone for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source ...
Summary statistics from meta GWAS of androstenedione for
- all samples (adjusted for age, log(BMI) and sex)
- men only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
- women only (adjusted for age and log(BMI))
These data are intended for research purposes only.
Citation: Pott et al. (2019) Genetic Association Study of Eight Steroid Hormones and Implications for Sexual Dimorphism of Coronary Artery Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 104: 5008–5023. PubMed ID: 31169883
When using this data acknowledge the source ...
Supplement Data for Publication including Supplement Material & Results (eQTL annotation, Mendelian Randomization (MR), further significant loci), Figures (correlation plot of steroid hormones, scatter plot of genetic effect sizes, regional association plots, scatter plots of MR) and Tables (Correlations, GWAS summary statistics, interaction tests, MR results)
Creator: Janne Pott
Submitter: René Hänsel
Projects: LHA - Leipzig Health Atlas, LIFE Adult, LIFE - Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, LIFE HNC - Head and Neck Cancer Group, LIFE Heart, MMML - Molecular mechanisms in malignant lymphoma, GLA - German Lymphoma Alliance, MMML Demonstrators - Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas - Demonstrators of Personalized Medicine, HaematoOpt - Individualized model-based managing of the next-cycle thrombopenia of CHOEP/CHOP treated patients based on platelets dynamics during the previous cycles, e:Med, GC-HBOC - German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, GC-HNPCC - German Consortium for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, MMML-MYC-SYS, NLP4CR - Natural Language Processing for Clinical Research, Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology, SepNet - German Competence Network Sepsis, LIFE Child, HNPCC-Sys - Genomic and transcriptomic heterogeneity of colorectal tumours arising in Lynch syndrome, GGN - German Glioma Network, CAPSys - Footprints of Sepsis Framed Within Community Acquired Pneumonia in the Blood Transcriptome, CapSys - Systems Medicine of Community Acquired Pneumonia, ProstataCA, HaematoSys - Systems biology of haematopoiesis and haematopoietic neoplasia, SMITH - Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, Task Force COVID-19 Leipzig, NFDI4Health, POLAR - Polypharmacy, Drug Interactions, Risks, Management of health information systems, LivSys Transfer - Transfer of the LivSys in vitro system for hepatotoxicity into application, Project Test Demonstrator, Fundus photography as tool for analysis of eyes of subjects with diabetes, Clinical Trials Leipzig, NFDI4Health - TA3 Services, STOP-NUC, SCALE-TORT, EarlyAMDRate
Institutions: Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)

Roles: Technician
Expertise: Data Management, Data analysis, Python, Html
Projects: LIFE Heart, LIFE - Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, LIFE HNC - Head and Neck Cancer Group, SepNet - German Competence Network Sepsis, GC-HNPCC - German Consortium for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer, LIFE Child, GC-HBOC - German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, LIFE Adult
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