Population Levels Assessment of the Distribution of Disease-Associated Variants With Emphasis on Armenians - A Machine Learning Approach.


Background: During the last decades a number of genome-wide association studies (GWASs) has identified numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with different complex diseases. However, associations reported in one population are often conflicting and did not replicate when studied in other populations. One of the reasons could be that most GWAS employ a case-control design in one or a limited number of populations, but little attention was paid to the global distribution of disease-associated alleles across different populations. Moreover, the majority of GWAS have been performed on selected European, African, and Chinese populations and the considerable number of populations remains understudied. Aim: We have investigated the global distribution of so far discovered disease-associated SNPs across worldwide populations of different ancestry and geographical regions with a special focus on the understudied population of Armenians. Data and Methods: We have used genotyping data from the Human Genome Diversity Project and of Armenian population and combined them with disease-associated SNP data taken from public repositories leading to a final dataset of 44,234 markers. Their frequency distribution across 1039 individuals from 53 populations was analyzed using self-organizing maps (SOM) machine learning. Our SOM portrayal approach reduces data dimensionality, clusters SNPs with similar frequency profiles and provides two-dimensional data images which enable visual evaluation of disease-associated SNPs landscapes among human populations. Results: We find that populations from Africa, Oceania, and America show specific patterns of minor allele frequencies of disease-associated SNPs, while populations from Europe, Middle East, Central South Asia, and Armenia mostly share similar patterns. Importantly, different sets of SNPs associated with common polygenic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, neurodegeneration in populations from different geographic regions. Armenians are characterized by a set of SNPs that are distinct from other populations from the neighboring geographical regions. Conclusion: Genetic associations of diseases considerably vary across populations which necessitates health-related genotyping efforts especially for so far understudied populations. SOM portrayal represents novel promising methods in population genetic research with special strength in visualization-based comparison of SNP data.

PubMed ID: 31105750

Projects: LHA - Leipzig Health Atlas, oBIG - omics Bioinformatics for Health

Publication type: Journal article

Journal: Front Genet

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified

Citation: Front Genet. 2019 Apr 26;10:394. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00394. eCollection 2019.

Date Published: 21st May 2019

Registered Mode: by PubMed ID

Authors: M. Nikoghosyan, S. Hakobyan, A. Hovhannisyan, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder, A. Arakelyan

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Created: 22nd Apr 2020 at 12:57

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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