In Vivo and In Vitro Characterization of Primary Human Liver Macrophages and Their Inflammatory State


Liver macrophages (LMs) play a central role in acute and chronic liver pathologies. Investigation of these processes in humans as well as the development of diagnostic tools and new therapeutic strategies require in vitro models that closely resemble the in vivo situation. In our study, we sought to gain further insight into the role of LMs in different liver pathologies and into their characteristics after isolation from liver tissue. For this purpose, LMs were characterized in human liver tissue sections using immunohistochemistry and bioinformatic image analysis. Isolated cells were characterized in suspension using FACS analyses and in culture using immunofluorescence staining and laser scanning microscopy as well as functional assays. The majority of our investigated liver tissues were characterized by anti-inflammatory LMs which showed a homogeneous distribution and increased cell numbers in correlation with chronic liver injuries. In contrast, pro-inflammatory LMs appeared as temporary and locally restricted reactions. Detailed characterization of isolated macrophages revealed a complex disease dependent pattern of LMs consisting of pro- and anti-inflammatory macrophages of different origins, regulatory macrophages and monocytes. Our study showed that in most cases the macrophage pattern can be transferred in adherent cultures. The observed exceptions were restricted to LMs with pro-inflammatory characteristics.

DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines9040406

Projects: LivSys Transfer - Transfer of the LivSys in vitro system for hepatotoxic...

Publication type: Journal article

Journal: Biomedicines

Human Diseases: Liver disease, Liver cancer

Citation: Biomedicines 9(4):406

Date Published: 1st Apr 2021

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Andrea Zimmermann, René Hänsel, Kilian Gemünden, Victoria Kegel-Hübner, Jonas Babel, Hendrik Bläker, Madlen Matz-Soja, Daniel Seehofer, Georg Damm

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Zimmermann, A., Hänsel, R., Gemünden, K., Kegel-Hübner, V., Babel, J., Bläker, H., Matz-Soja, M., Seehofer, D., & Damm, G. (2021). In Vivo and In Vitro Characterization of Primary Human Liver Macrophages and Their Inflammatory State. In Biomedicines (Vol. 9, Issue 4, p. 406). MDPI AG.

Views: 2896

Created: 21st Apr 2021 at 13:44

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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