A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in the general population


Germline BRCA1 mutations predispose to breast cancer. To identify genetic modifiers of this risk, we performed a genome-wide association study in 1,193 individuals with BRCA1 mutations who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer under age 40 and 1,190 BRCA1 carriers without breast cancer diagnosis over age 35. We took forward 96 SNPs for replication in another 5,986 BRCA1 carriers (2,974 individuals with breast cancer and 3,012 unaffected individuals). Five SNPs on 19p13 were associated with breast cancer risk (P(trend) = 2.3 \times 10^-^9 to P(trend) = 3.9 \times 10^-^7), two of which showed independent associations (rs8170, hazard ratio (HR) = 1.26, 95% CI 1.17-1.35; rs2363956 HR = 0.84, 95% CI 0.80-0.89). Genotyping these SNPs in 6,800 population-based breast cancer cases and 6,613 controls identified a similar association with estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer (rs2363956 per-allele odds ratio (OR) = 0.83, 95% CI 0.75-0.92, P(trend) = 0.0003) and an association with estrogen receptor-positive disease in the opposite direction (OR = 1.07, 95% CI 1.01-1.14, P(trend) = 0.016). The five SNPs were also associated with triple-negative breast cancer in a separate study of 2,301 triple-negative cases and 3,949 controls (P(trend) = 1 \times 10^-^7) to P(trend) = 8 \times 10^-^5; rs2363956 per-allele OR = 0.80, 95% CI 0.74-0.87, P(trend) = 1.1 \times 10^-^7

DOI: 10.1038/ng.669

Projects: GC-HBOC - German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Publication type: Journal article

Journal: Nature genetics

Human Diseases: Hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Citation: Nat Genet 42(10):885-892

Date Published: 1st Oct 2010

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: Antonis C. Antoniou, Xianshu Wang, Zachary S. Fredericksen, Lesley McGuffog, Robert Tarrell, Olga M. Sinilnikova, Sue Healey, Jonathan Morrison, Christiana Kartsonaki, Timothy Lesnick, Maya Ghoussaini, Daniel Barrowdale, Susan Peock, Margaret Cook, Clare Oliver, Debra Frost, Diana Eccles, D. Gareth Evans, Ros Eeles, Louise Izatt, Carol Chu, Fiona Douglas, Joan Paterson, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Claude Houdayer, Sylvie Mazoyer, Sophie Giraud, Christine Lasset, Audrey Remenieras, Olivier Caron, Agnès Hardouin, Pascaline Berthet, Frans B. L. Hogervorst, Matti A. Rookus, Agnes Jager, Ans van den Ouweland, Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Rob B. van der Luijt, Hanne Meijers-Heijboer, Encarna B. Gómez García, Peter Devilee, Maaike P. G. Vreeswijk, Jan Lubinski, Anna Jakubowska, Jacek Gronwald, Tomasz Huzarski, Tomasz Byrski, Bohdan Górski, Cezary Cybulski, Amanda B. Spurdle, Helene Holland, David E. Goldgar, Esther M. John, John L. Hopper, Melissa Southey, Saundra S. Buys, Mary B. Daly, Mary-Beth Terry, Rita K. Schmutzler, Barbara Wappenschmidt, Christoph Engel, Alfons Meindl, Sabine Preisler-Adams, Norbert Arnold, Dieter Niederacher, Christian Sutter, Susan M. Domchek, Katherine L. Nathanson, Timothy Rebbeck, Joanne L. Blum, Marion Piedmonte, Gustavo C. Rodriguez, Katie Wakeley, John F. Boggess, Jack Basil, Stephanie V. Blank, Eitan Friedman, Bella Kaufman, Yael Laitman, Roni Milgrom, Irene L. Andrulis, Gord Glendon, Hilmi Ozcelik, Tomas Kirchhoff, Joseph Vijai, Mia M. Gaudet, David Altshuler, Candace Guiducci, Niklas Loman, Katja Harbst, Johanna Rantala, Hans Ehrencrona, Anne-Marie Gerdes, Mads Thomassen, Lone Sunde, Paolo Peterlongo, Siranoush Manoukian, Bernardo Bonanni, Alessandra Viel, Paolo Radice, Trinidad Caldes, Miguel de La Hoya, Christian F. Singer, Anneliese Fink-Retter, Mark H. Greene, Phuong L. Mai, Jennifer T. Loud, Lucia Guidugli, Noralane M. Lindor, Thomas v. O. Hansen, Finn C. Nielsen, Ignacio Blanco, Conxi Lazaro, Judy Garber, Susan J. Ramus, Simon A. Gayther, Catherine Phelan, Stephen Narod, Csilla I. Szabo, Javier Benitez, Ana Osorio, Heli Nevanlinna, Tuomas Heikkinen, Maria A. Caligo, Mary S. Beattie, Ute Hamann, Andrew K. Godwin, Marco Montagna, Cinzia Casella, Susan L. Neuhausen, Beth Y. Karlan, Nadine Tung, Amanda E. Toland, Jeffrey Weitzel, Olofunmilayo Olopade, Jacques Simard, Penny Soucy, Wendy S. Rubinstein, Adalgeir Arason, Gad Rennert, Nicholas G. Martin, Grant W. Montgomery, Jenny Chang-Claude, Dieter Flesch-Janys, Hiltrud Brauch, Gianluca Severi, Laura Baglietto, Angela Cox, Simon S. Cross, Penelope Miron, Sue M. Gerty, William Tapper, Drakoulis Yannoukakos, George Fountzilas, Peter A. Fasching, Matthias W. Beckmann, Isabel Dos Santos Silva, Julian Peto, Diether Lambrechts, Robert Paridaens, Thomas Rüdiger, Asta Försti, Robert Winqvist, Katri Pylkäs, Robert B. Diasio, Adam M. Lee, Jeanette Eckel-Passow, Celine Vachon, Fiona Blows, Kristy Driver, Alison Dunning, Paul P. D. Pharoah, Kenneth Offit, V. Shane Pankratz, Hakon Hakonarson, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Douglas F. Easton, Fergus J. Couch

help Submitter
, Antoniou, A. C., , , , , , , Wang, X., Fredericksen, Z. S., McGuffog, L., Tarrell, R., Sinilnikova, O. M., Healey, S., Morrison, J., Kartsonaki, C., Lesnick, T., Ghoussaini, M., Barrowdale, D., … Couch, F. J. (2010). A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor–negative breast cancer in the general population. In Nature Genetics (Vol. 42, Issue 10, pp. 885–892). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.669

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