A large set of IHC stained DLBCL specimens is provided together with segmentation masks for different cell populations generated by a reference method for automated image analysis, thus featuring considerable reuse potential. Provided image data comprise a) fluorescence microscopy images of 44 multiple immunohistostained DLBCL tumor subregions, captured at four channels corresponding to CD14, CD163, Pax5 and DAPI; b) cartoon-filtered versions of these images, generated by Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) denoising; c) an automatically generated mask of the evaluation subregion, based on information from the DAPI channel, and d) automatically generated segmentation masks for macrophages, B-cells and the total of cell nuclei, using information from CD14, CD163, Pax5 and DAPI channels, respectively.
DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giaa016
Projects: MMML Demonstrators - Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas - Demon...
Publication type: Journal article
Journal: GigaScience
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Human Diseases: Diffuse large b-cell lymphoma
Citation: GigaScience,9(3)
Date Published: 12th Mar 2020
Registered Mode: manually
Authors: Marcus Wagner, Sarah Reinke, René Hänsel, Wolfram Klapper, Ulf-Dietrich Braumann
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Views: 4799
Created: 3rd Sep 2019 at 11:15
Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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Institutions: Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)

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Expertise: Data Management, Data analysis, Python, Html
Projects: MMML Demonstrators - Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas - Demonstrators of Personalized Medicine, GLA - German Lymphoma Alliance, EarlyAMDRate
Institutions: Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)

Universität Leipzig Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie (IMISE) Härtelstr. 16-18 04107 Leipzig
Taxonomy URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_0050745
Definitions: A B-cell lymphoma that is a cancer of B cells presenting as an aggressive tumour which can arise in virtually any part of the body.