Goal of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) is the investigation of civilization diseases like depression, diabetes, allergies or cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose we collect as much data as possible regarding health and living conditions of the population in Leipzig and provide these data for scientists of the University of Leipzig and other research institutions.
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
This population-based study examined 10,000 participants randomly selected from the Leipzig population (2011 to 2014). A follow-up is to be carried out from 2017 - 2020. The study mainly included people aged between 40 and 79. All participants underwent a 6-hour study program and people over 60 years of age were invited two more times to in-depth study of cognition and depression and the brain (MRI, EEG). Extensive measurements of genome, metabolome and transcriptome are available. The LIFE-ADULT ...
Programme: LIFE Management Cluster
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Jan 2009
FAIR4Health is a Horizon 2020 project which aims to FAIRify medical datasets.
Programme: Science with and for Society (SwafS) in Horizon 2020
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Dec 2019
End date: 30th Nov 2021
The aim of oBIG is to establish modern genome bioinformatics in Armenia to investigate genesis and progression of complex diseases. Therefore we will extend the collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics (IZBI) of Leipzig University and the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Yerevan, Armenia, to accomplish three main aspects of the project:Firstly, current research topics in systems biology of cancer, lung diseases and infections will be addressed by a joint team ...
Programme: Default Programme
Public web page:
The vision of Immune Safety Avatar (imSAVAR) is to develop a platform for integrated nonclinical assessments of immunomodulatory therapy safety and efficacy.The imSAVAR is an Innovative Medicines Initiative funded project that aims to develop a standard for integrated nonclinical safety overviews for immune-modulatory investigational new drugs (IND) and clinical trial applications (CTA).Our imSAVAR platform will improve the prediction of the transferability of safety and efficacy of immunomodulators ...
Programme: European Union’s Horizon 2020
Public web page:
Analysis of the humoral response against HLA alloantigens is performed using museal methods. With the use of AI we aim to predict deleterious antibody production avoiding allograft deterioration and graft loss.
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 1st Mar 2021
The aim of this project is to validate and improve an in vitro test system developed in a previous project for the prediction of hepatotoxicity induced by chemical substances and drugs. For this purpose, the test system will be supplemented with immunological cells in order to be able to detect idiosyncratic reactions. In the subproject of the working group of Prof. Daniel Seehofer and Dr. Georg Damm, primary liver cells will be provided and the in vitro model will be improved by Kupffer cells.
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: Not specified
Start date: 1st Feb 2017
End date: 31st Dec 2020