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64 Projects found

Coordinating investigator: Prof. Dr. Florian van Bömmel Sektion Hepatologie, Klinik und Poliklinik für Gastroenterologie und Rheumatologie, Universitätsklinikum Leipzig

Sponsor Universität Leipzig Ritterstr. 26, 04109 Leipzig

EudraCT: 2013-004882-15 DRKS: DRKS00006240

Programme: University Leipzig (Sponsor)

Public web page: Not specified

This project serves as a container for all clinical trial of University of Leipzig (IMISE / ZKS) within the framework of the NFDI4Health

Programme: NFDI - German National Research Data Infrastructure

Public web page: Not specified

The aim of the Head and Neck Group within the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) is to facilitate improvements in the treatment and care of head and neck cancer patients through insights from molecular studies.

The Head and Neck Group within the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) investigates the molecular mechanisms and the diagnostic and prognostic factors of head and neck cancer. For this purpose, we collected phenotypic information from about 300 ...

Programme: LIFE Management Cluster

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Jan 2012

End date: 31st Dec 2012

LIFE Child wants to find out how environmental factors and lifestyles can affect the health of children and adolescents. The aim of the study is to examine civilization diseases such as allergies, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases in more detail. Furthermore, the study also focuses on healthy mental and physical development from the infant to the young adult. The team of the LIFE Child study around Prof. Dr. med. Wieland Kiess would like to examine and question about 5,000 subjects aged ...

Programme: LIFE Management Cluster

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Jan 2009

The Leipzig Health Atlas (LHA) is an alliance of medical ontologists, medical systems biologists and clinical trials groups to design and implement a multi-functional and quality-assured atlas. It provides models, data and metadata on specific use cases from medical research fields in which our team has scientific and clinical expertise.

Programme: i:DSem - Integrative Datensemantik in der Systemmedizin

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Apr 2016

End date: 28th Feb 2021

PheP is a platform that enables clinical researchers to work together with statisticians and computer scientists in interdisciplinary collaboration to pursue scientific issues that previously seemed economically and technologically unthinkable. For this purpose, it is necessary to build data sets that can be used for clinical-epidemiological and health-economic issues.From phenotypes, i.e. determinable characteristics of patients, further characteristics can be derived and provided via phenotyping. ...

Medical data routinely generated in everyday clinical practice is processed and made available to medical research in a standardized form. Patients benefit from reliable research results, more precise diagnoses and better treatments. In order to link data from care and research, the participating university hospitals in Aachen, Bonn, Essen, Halle, Hamburg, Jena and Leipzig have established sustainable Data Integration Centers. The network partners Ruhr University Bochum, the Düsseldorf University ...

Programme: MII - Medical Informatics Initiative

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Jan 2018

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