Obesity of Adults in Leipzig
Version 1

Emerging health geography research analyzes and visualizes health behaviors and outcomes in relation to urban environmental data and related official statistics to produce “health reports” for specific areas. This can be extended to developments in urban planning, e.g., to identify districts or neighborhoods for social investments or restrictions.

We mapped anthropometric data the large LIFE Adult population (10,000 participants) onto the Leipzig map. In particular, we derived the body mass index (BMI) taking measured body height and weight into account and locate each participant at the time of participation in Leipzig in a way we can derive frequencies of WHO compliant BMI classes per specific city districts.


1 item is associated with this Model:

Human Disease: Obesity

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Views: 3332

Created: 13th May 2019 at 15:09

Last updated: 28th Jan 2022 at 15:21

Last used: 26th Jul 2024 at 23:40

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Version History

Version 1 Created 13th May 2019 at 15:09 by René Hänsel

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