
265 Publications visible to you, out of a total of 265

Abstract (Expand)

Body shape and composition are heterogeneous among humans with possible impact for health. Anthropometric methods and data are needed to better describe the diversity of the human body in human populations, its age dependence, and associations with health risk. We applied whole-body laser scanning to a cohort of 8499 women and men of age 40-80 years within the frame of the LIFE (Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases) study aimed at discovering health risk in a middle European urban population. Body scanning delivers multidimensional anthropometric data, which were further processed by machine learning to stratify the participants into body types. We here applied this body typing concept to describe the diversity of body shapes in an aging population and its association with physical activity and selected health and lifestyle factors. We find that aging results in similar reshaping of female and male bodies despite the large diversity of body types observed in the study. Slim body shapes remain slim and partly tend to become even more lean and fragile, while obese body shapes remain obese. Female body shapes change more strongly than male ones. The incidence of the different body types changes with characteristic Life Course trajectories. Physical activity is inversely related to the body mass index and decreases with age, while self-reported incidence for myocardial infarction shows overall the inverse trend. We discuss health risks factors in the context of body shape and its relation to obesity. Body typing opens options for personalized anthropometry to better estimate health risk in epidemiological research and future clinical applications.

Authors: A. Frenzel, H. Binder, N. Walter, K. Wirkner, M. Loeffler, H. Loeffler-Wirth

Date Published: 29th Mar 2020

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

<b>Objectives:</b> Mental demands at the workplace can be preventive against cognitive decline. However, personality shapes the way information is processed and we therefore assume that Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, would moderate the beneficial effects of workplace stimulation on cognitive outcomes. <b>Methods:</b> We analyzed data from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study (n = 6529). Cognitive outcomes were assessed via the Trail-Making Test (TMTA, TMTB) and the Verbal Fluency Test. Personality was assessed via the Personality Adjective List (16 AM). Mental demands were classified with the indices Verbal and Executive based on the O*NET database. <b>Results:</b> Multivariate regression analyses showed only two significant moderation effects of personality, i.e. in individuals with low scores on Conscientiousness/Openness, index Verbal was connected to better TMTB performance, while this effect disappeared for individuals with high values on the personality trait. However, the additional explained variance remained marginal. <b>Conclusion:</b> The findings suggest that personality does not modify associations between high mental demands at work and better cognitive functioning in old age; however, there is a tendency that high levels of Openness and Conscientiousness may offset effects of mental demands.

Authors: Felix S Hussenoeder, Ines Conrad, Susanne Roehr, Heide Glaesmer, Andreas Hinz, Cornelia Enzenbach, Christoph Engel, Veronika Witte, Matthias L Schroeter, Markus Loeffler, Joachim Thiery, Arno Villringer, Steffi G Riedel-Heller, Francisca S Rodriguez

Date Published: 25th May 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: mental depression

Abstract (Expand)

Objectives: Potential opportunities and challenges of predictive genetic risk classification of healthy persons are currently discussed. However, the budgetary impact of rising demand is uncertain. This project aims to evaluate budgetary consequences of predictive genetic risk classification for statutory health insurance in Germany. Methods: A Markov model was developed in the form of a cohort simulation. It analyzes a population of female relatives of hereditary breast cancer patients. Mutation carriers are offered intensified screening, women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation can decide on prophylactic mastectomy and/or ovarectomy. The model considers the following scenarios: (a) steady demand for predictive genetic testing, and (b) rising demand. Most input parameters are based on data of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. The model contains 49 health states, starts in 2015, and runs for 10 years. Prices were evaluated from the perspective of statutory health insurance. Results: Steady demand leads to an expenditure of \text€49.8 million during the 10-year period. Rising demands lead to additional expenses of \text€125.5 million. The model reveals the genetic analysis to be the main cost driver while cost savings in treatment costs of breast and ovarian cancer are indicated. Conclusions: The results contribute to close the knowledge gap concerning the budgetary consequences due to genetic risk classification. A rising demand leads to additional costs especially due to costs for genetic analysis. The model indicates budget shifts with cost savings due to breast and ovarian cancer treatment in the scenario of rising demands.

Authors: Silke Neusser, Beate Lux, Cordula Barth, Kathrin Pahmeier, Kerstin Rhiem, Rita Schmutzler, Christoph Engel, Jürgen Wasem, Stefan Huster, Peter Dabrock, Anja Neumann

Date Published: 2nd Dec 2019

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Abstract (Expand)

Objectives: Previous studies have shown that individuals with poor social relationships have an increased risk for dementia. Dementia risk, however, can also be positively influenced by lifestyle factors. One such very important factor is high mental demands at work, in particular as the work environment affects a very long lifetime period. Thus, our objective was to investigate whether the cognitive functioning of socially isolated individuals may profit from high mental work demands. Methods: Analyses were based on n = 10,000 participants (aged 40 – 80 years) of the population-based German LIFE-Adult-Study. All participants underwent medical examinations and filled out standardized questionnaires. Cognitive functioning was assessed via the Verbal Fluency Test (VFT) and the Trail-Making Test (TMT). Social relationships were assessed via the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6). The interaction between social isolation and mental demands on cognitive functioning was analyzed via multivariate regression analyses. Results: The difference in cognitive functioning between high and low mental work demand conditions was larger in socially isolated individuals (VFT: 2.7 words, TMT-B: 26 seconds) compared to socially well integrated individuals (VFT: 2.1 words, TMT-B: 9 seconds). Multivariate regression analyses – adjusted for age, gender, and education – indicated that both mental work demands as well as social relationships are significantly associated with the level of cognitive functioning (p < 0.001). Results also suggest interaction effects indicating a stronger impact of mental work demands on cognitive functioning in socially isolated individuals than in well integrated individuals. Conclusion: The findings imply that individuals with poor social relationships may particularly benefit from high mental work demands regarding their risk for dementia. The level of mental demands at work could therefore be an important target for tailored preventative approaches.

Authors: F. S. Then, M. L. Schroeter, V. Witte, C. Engel, M. Loeffler, J. Thiery, A. Villringer, T. Luck, S. G. Riedel-Heller

Date Published: 15th Sep 2016

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

Background: Previous studies have shown that individuals with poor social relationships have an increased risk for dementia. Dementia risk, however, can also be positively influenced by lifestyle factors such as high mental demands at work (in particular as the work environment affects a very long lifetime period). Thus, our objective was to investigate whether the cognitive functioning of socially isolated individuals may profit from high mental work demands. Methods: Analyses were based on n=10,000 participants (aged 40-80 years) of the population-based German LIFE-Adult-Study. All participants underwent medical examinations and filled out standardized questionnaires. Cognitive functioning was assessed via the Verbal Fluency Test (VFT) and the Trail-Making Test (TMT). Social relationships were assessed via the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6). Results: The difference in cognitive func- tioning between high and low mental work demand conditions was larger in socially isolated individuals (VFT: 2.7 words, TMT-B: 26 seconds) compared to socially well integrated individuals (VFT: 2.1 words, TMT-B: 9 seconds). Multivariate regression analyses – adjusted for age, gender, and education – indicated that both mental work demands as well as social relationships are significantly asso- ciated with the level of cognitive functioning

Authors: F. S. Then, M. L. Schroeter, A. V. Witte, Christoph Engel, Markus Löffler, J. Thiery, A. Villringer, T. Luck, S. G. Riedel-Heller

Date Published: 1st Sep 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: cognitive disorder

Abstract (Expand)

Introduction LIFE is a large epidemiological study aiming at causes of common civilization diseases including adiposity, dementia, and depression. Participants of the study are probands and patients. Probands are randomly selected and invited from the set of Leipzig (Germany) inhabitants while patients with known diseases are recruited from several local hospitals. The management of these participants, their invitation and contact after successful attendance as well as the support of nearly all ambulance processes requires a complex ambulance management. Each participant is examined by a set of investigation instruments including interviews, questionnaires, device-specific investigations, specimen extrac- tions and analyses. This necessitates a complex management of the participantspecific examination program but also specific input forms and systems allowing to capture administrative (measurement and process environment or specific set-ups) and scientific data. Additionally, the taken and prepared specimens need to be labeled and registered from which participant they stem and in which fridge or bio-tank they are stored. At the end, all captured data from ambu- lance management, investigation instruments and laboratory analyses need to be integrated before they can be analyzed. These complex processes and requirements necessitate a comprehensive IT-infrastructure. Methods Our IT-infrastructure modularly consists of several software applications. A main application is responsible for the complex participant and ambulance man- agement. The participant management cope with selected participant data and contact information. To protect participant’s privacy, a participant identifier (PID) is created for each participant that is associated to all data which is managed and captured in the following. In ambulance management, each participant is associated with a predefined investigation program. This investigation program is represented in our systems by a tracking card that is available as print-out and electronically. The electronic version of tracking cards is utilized by two software applications, the Assessment Battery and the CryoLab. The former system coordinates the input of scientific data into online input forms. The input forms are designed in the open source system LimeSurvey. Moreover, the Assessment Battery is used to monitor the input process, i.e., it shows which investigations are already completed and which of them are still to do. The Cryolab system registers and tracks all taken specimens and is used to annotate extraction and specific preparation processes, e.g., for DNA isolation. Moreover, it tracks specimen storage in fridges and bio-tanks. A central component is the metadata repository collecting metadata from ambulance management and data input systems. It is the base for the integra- tion of relevant scientific data into a central research database. The integration follows a mapping-based approach. The research database makes raw data and special pre-computations called derivatives available for later data analysis. Results & Discussion We designed and implemented a complex and comprehensive IT-infrastructure for the epidemiological research in LIFE. This infrastructure consists of several software applications which are loosely coupled over specified interfaces. Most of the software applications are new implementations; only for capturing scientific data external software application are applied.

Authors: Toralf Kirsten, A. Kiel, M. Kleinert, R. Speer, M. Rühle, Hans Binder, Markus Löffler

Date Published: 30th Sep 2013

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVE We report on the effect of hemoadsorption therapy to reduce cytokines in septic patients with respiratory failure. METHODS This was a randomized, controlled, open-label, multicenter Mechanically ventilated patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome were eligible for study inclusion. Patients were randomly assigned to either therapy with CytoSorb hemoperfusion for 6 hours per day for up to 7 consecutive days (treatment), or no hemoperfusion (control). Primary outcome was change in normalized IL-6-serum concentrations during study day 1 and 7. RESULTS 97 of the 100 randomized patients were analyzed. We were not able to detect differences in systemic plasma IL-6 levels between the two groups (n = 75; p = 0.15). Significant IL-6 elimination, averaging between 5 and 18% per blood pass throughout the entire treatment period was recorded. In the unadjusted analysis, 60-day-mortality was significantly higher in the treatment group (44.7%) compared to the control group (26.0%; p = 0.039). The proportion of patients receiving renal replacement therapy at the time of enrollment was higher in the treatment group (31.9%) when compared to the control group (16.3%). After adjustment for patient morbidity and baseline imbalances, no association of hemoperfusion with mortality was found (p = 0.19). CONCLUSIONS In this patient population with predominantly septic shock and multiple organ failure, hemoadsorption removed IL-6 but this did not lead to lower plasma IL-6-levels. We did not detect statistically significant differences in the secondary outcomes multiple organ dysfunction score, ventilation time and time course of oxygenation.

Authors: Dirk Schädler, Christine Pausch, Daniel Heise, Andreas Meier-Hellmann, Jörg Brederlau, Norbert Weiler, Gernot Marx, Christian Putensen, Claudia Spies, Achim Jörres, Michael Quintel, Christoph Engel, John A. Kellum, Martin K. Kuhlmann

Date Published: 30th Oct 2017

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent


Not specified

Authors: Kristina Klaschik, Jan Hauke, Guido Neidhardt, Christian Tränkle, Harald M. Surowy, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Gunter Rappl, Elisabeth Mangold, Norbert Arnold, Dieter Niederacher, Christian Sutter, Barbara Burwinkel, Christoph Engel, Barbara Wappenschmidt, Alfons Meindl, Corinna Ernst, Konstantin Weber-Lassalle, Nana Weber-Lassalle, Sandra Schmidt, Julika Borde, Rita K. Schmutzler, Eric Hahnen, Esther Pohl-Rescigno

Date Published: 4th Jan 2019

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Abstract (Expand)

Background: The blood transcriptome is expected to provide a detailed picture of an organism's physiological state with potential outcomes for applications in medical diagnostics and molecular and epidemiological research. We here present the analysis of blood specimens of 3,388 adult individuals, together with phenotype characteristics such as disease history, medication status, lifestyle factors, and body mass index (BMI). The size and heterogeneity of this data challenges analytics in terms of dimension reduction, knowledge mining, feature extraction, and data integration. Methods: Self-organizing maps (SOM)-machine learning was applied to study transcriptional states on a population-wide scale. This method permits a detailed description and visualization of the molecular heterogeneity of transcriptomes and of their association with different phenotypic features. Results: The diversity of transcriptomes is described by personalized SOM-portraits, which specify the samples in terms of modules of co-expressed genes of different functional context. We identified two major blood transcriptome types where type 1 was found more in men, the elderly, and overweight people and it upregulated genes associated with inflammation and increased heme metabolism, while type 2 was predominantly found in women, younger, and normal weight participants and it was associated with activated immune responses, transcriptional, ribosomal, mitochondrial, and telomere-maintenance cell-functions. We find a striking overlap of signatures shared by multiple diseases, aging, and obesity driven by an underlying common pattern, which was associated with the immune response and the increase of inflammatory processes. Conclusions: Machine learning applications for large and heterogeneous omics data provide a holistic view on the diversity of the human blood transcriptome. It provides a tool for comparative analyses of transcriptional signatures and of associated phenotypes in population studies and medical applications.

Authors: M. Schmidt, L. Hopp, A. Arakelyan, H. Kirsten, C. Engel, K. Wirkner, K. Krohn, R. Burkhardt, J. Thiery, M. Loeffler, H. Loeffler-Wirth, H. Binder

Date Published: 11th Mar 2021

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

Background Full-term pregnancy (FTP) is associated with a reduced breast cancer (BC) risk over time, but women are at increased BC risk in the immediate years following an FTP. No large prospectivee studies, however, have examined whether the number and timing of pregnancies are associated with BC risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Methods Using weighted and time-varying Cox proportional hazards models, we investigated whether reproductive events are associated with BC risk for mutation carriers using a retrospective cohort (5707 BRCA1 and 3525 BRCA2 mutation carriers) and a prospective cohort (2276 BRCA1 and 1610 BRCA2 mutation carriers), separately for each cohort and the combined prospective and retrospective cohort. Results For BRCA1 mutation carriers, there was no overall association with parity compared with nulliparity (combined hazard ratio [HRc] = 0.99, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.83 to 1.18). Relative to being uniparous, an increased number of FTPs was associated with decreased BC risk (HRc = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.69 to 0.91; HRc = 0.70, 95% CI = 0.59 to 0.82; HRc = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.40 to 0.63, for 2, 3, and \geq4 FTPs, respectively, Ptrend \textless .0001) and increasing duration of breastfeeding was associated with decreased BC risk (combined cohort Ptrend = .0003). Relative to being nulliparous, uniparous BRCA1 mutation carriers were at increased BC risk in the prospective analysis (prospective hazard ration [HRp] = 1.69, 95% CI = 1.09 to 2.62). For BRCA2 mutation carriers, being parous was associated with a 30% increase in BC risk (HRc = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.05 to 1.69), and there was no apparent decrease in risk associated with multiparity except for having at least 4 FTPs vs. 1 FTP (HRc = 0.72, 95% CI = 0.54 to 0.98). Conclusions These findings suggest differential associations with parity between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with higher risk for uniparous BRCA1 carriers and parous BRCA2 carriers.

Authors: Mary Beth Terry, Yuyan Liao, Karin Kast, Antonis C. Antoniou, Jasmine A. McDonald, Thea M. Mooij, Christoph Engel, Catherine Nogues, Bruno Buecher, Véronique Mari, Jessica Moretta-Serra, Laurence Gladieff, Elisabeth Luporsi, Daniel Barrowdale, Debra Frost, Alex Henderson, Carole Brewer, D. Gareth Evans, Diana Eccles, Jackie Cook, Kai-Ren Ong, Louise Izatt, Munaza Ahmed, Patrick J. Morrison, Charlotte J. Dommering, Jan C. Oosterwijk, Margreet G. E. M. Ausems, Mieke Kriege, Saundra S. Buys, Irene L. Andrulis, Esther M. John, Mary Daly, Michael Friedlander, Sue Anne McLachlan, Ana Osorio, Trinidad Caldes, Anna Jakubowska, Jacques Simard, Christian F. Singer, Yen Tan, Edith Olah, Marie Navratilova, Lenka Foretova, Anne-Marie Gerdes, Marie-José Roos-Blom, Brita Arver, Håkan Olsson, Rita K. Schmutzler, John L. Hopper, Flora E. van Leeuwen, David Goldgar, Roger L. Milne, Douglas F. Easton, Matti A. Rookus, Nadine Andrieu

Date Published: 1st Oct 2018

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The LIFE-Adult-Study is a population-based cohort study, which has recently completed the baseline examination of 10,000 randomly selected participants from Leipzig, a major city with 550,000 inhabitants in the east of Germany. It is the first study of this kind and size in an urban population in the eastern part of Germany. The study is conducted by the Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE). Our objective is to investigate prevalences, early onset markers, genetic predispositions, and the role of lifestyle factors of major civilization diseases, with primary focus on metabolic and vascular diseases, heart function, cognitive impairment, brain function, depression, sleep disorders and vigilance dysregulation, retinal and optic nerve degeneration, and allergies. METHODS/DESIGN: The study covers a main age range from 40-79 years with particular deep phenotyping in elderly participants above the age of 60. The baseline examination was conducted from August 2011 to November 2014. All participants underwent an extensive core assessment programme (5-6 h) including structured interviews, questionnaires, physical examinations, and biospecimen collection. Participants over 60 underwent two additional assessment programmes (3-4 h each) on two separate visits including deeper cognitive testing, brain magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic interviews for depression, and electroencephalography. DISCUSSION: The participation rate was 33 %. The assessment programme was accepted well and completely passed by almost all participants. Biomarker analyses have already been performed in all participants. Genotype, transcriptome and metabolome analyses have been conducted in subgroups. The first follow-up examination will commence in 2016.

Authors: M. Loeffler, C. Engel, P. Ahnert, D. Alfermann, K. Arelin, R. Baber, F. Beutner, H. Binder, E. Brahler, R. Burkhardt, U. Ceglarek, C. Enzenbach, M. Fuchs, H. Glaesmer, F. Girlich, A. Hagendorff, M. Hantzsch, U. Hegerl, S. Henger, T. Hensch, A. Hinz, V. Holzendorf, D. Husser, A. Kersting, A. Kiel, T. Kirsten, J. Kratzsch, K. Krohn, T. Luck, S. Melzer, J. Netto, M. Nuchter, M. Raschpichler, F. G. Rauscher, S. G. Riedel-Heller, C. Sander, M. Scholz, P. Schonknecht, M. L. Schroeter, J. C. Simon, R. Speer, J. Staker, R. Stein, Y. Stobel-Richter, M. Stumvoll, A. Tarnok, A. Teren, D. Teupser, F. S. Then, A. Tonjes, R. Treudler, A. Villringer, A. Weissgerber, P. Wiedemann, S. Zachariae, K. Wirkner, J. Thiery

Date Published: 22nd Jul 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: disease of mental health, mental depression, vascular disease, allergic hypersensitivity disease, sleep disorder, retinal degeneration

Abstract (Expand)

The LIFE Child study is a large population-based longitudinal childhood cohort study conducted in the city of Leipzig, Germany. As a part of LIFE, a research project conducted at the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, it aims to monitor healthy child development from birth to adulthood and to understand the development of lifestyle diseases such as obesity. The study consists of three interrelated cohorts; the birth cohort, the health cohort, and the obesity cohort. Depending on age and cohort, the comprehensive study program comprises different medical, psychological, and sociodemographic assessments as well as the collection of biological samples. Optimal data acquisition, process management, and data analysis are guaranteed by a professional team of physicians, certified study assistants, quality managers, scientists and statisticians. Due to the high popularity of the study, more than 3000 children have already participated until the end of 2015, and two-thirds of them participate continuously. The large quantity of acquired data allows LIFE Child to gain profound knowledge on the development of children growing up in the twenty-first century. This article reports the number of available and analyzable data and demonstrates the high relevance and potential of the study.

Authors: T. Poulain, R. Baber, M. Vogel, D. Pietzner, T. Kirsten, A. Jurkutat, A. Hiemisch, A. Hilbert, J. Kratzsch, J. Thiery, M. Fuchs, C. Hirsch, F. G. Rauscher, M. Loeffler, A. Korner, M. Nuchter, W. Kiess

Date Published: 2nd Feb 2017

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

The genetic hallmark of Burkitt lymphoma is the translocation t(8;14)(q24;q32), or one of its light chain variants, resulting in IG-MYC juxtaposition. However, these translocations alone are insufficient to drive lymphomagenesis, which requires additional genetic changes for malignant transformation. Recent studies of Burkitt lymphoma using next generation sequencing approaches have identified various recurrently mutated genes including ID3, TCF3, CCND3, and TP53. Here, by using similar approaches, we show that PCBP1 is a recurrently mutated gene in Burkitt lymphoma. By whole-genome sequencing, we identified somatic mutations in PCBP1 in 3/17 (18%) Burkitt lymphomas. We confirmed the recurrence of PCBP1 mutations by Sanger sequencing in an independent validation cohort, finding mutations in 3/28 (11%) Burkitt lymphomas and in 6/16 (38%) Burkitt lymphoma cell lines. PCBP1 is an intron-less gene encoding the 356 amino acid poly(rC) binding protein 1, which contains three K-Homology (KH) domains and two nuclear localization signals. The mutations predominantly (10/12, 83%) affect the KH III domain, either by complete domain loss or amino acid changes. Thus, these changes are predicted to alter the various functions of PCBP1, including nuclear trafficking and pre-mRNA splicing. Remarkably, all six primary Burkitt lymphomas with a PCBP1 mutation expressed MUM1/IRF4, which is otherwise detected in around 20-40% of Burkitt lymphomas. We conclude that PCBP1 mutations are recurrent in Burkitt lymphomas and might contribute, in cooperation with other mutations, to its pathogenesis.

Authors: R. Wagener, S. M. Aukema, M. Schlesner, A. Haake, B. Burkhardt, A. Claviez, H. G. Drexler, M. Hummel, M. Kreuz, M. Loeffler, M. Rosolowski, C. Lopez, P. Moller, J. Richter, M. Rohde, M. J. Betts, R. B. Russell, S. H. Bernhart, S. Hoffmann, P. Rosenstiel, M. Schilhabel, M. Szczepanowski, L. Trumper, W. Klapper, R. Siebert

Date Published: 16th Jul 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: lymphoma

Abstract (Expand)

INTRODUCTION While it has been reported that the risk of contralateral breast cancer in patients from BRCA1 or BRCA2 positive families is elevated, little is known about contralateral breast cancerr risk in patients from high risk families that tested negative for BRCA1/2 mutations. METHODS A retrospective, multicenter cohort study was performed from 1996 to 2011 and comprised 6,235 women with unilateral breast cancer from 6,230 high risk families that had tested positive for BRCA1 (n = 1,154) or BRCA2 (n = 575) mutations or tested negative (n = 4,501). Cumulative contralateral breast cancer risks were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit method and were compared between groups using the log-rank test. Cox regression analysis was applied to assess the impact of the age at first breast cancer and the familial history stratified by mutation status. RESULTS The cumulative risk of contralateral breast cancer 25 years after first breast cancer was 44.1% (95%CI, 37.6% to 50.6%) for patients from BRCA1 positive families, 33.5% (95%CI, 22.4% to 44.7%) for patients from BRCA2 positive families and 17.2% (95%CI, 14.5% to 19.9%) for patients from families that tested negative for BRCA1/2 mutations. Younger age at first breast cancer was associated with a higher risk of contralateral breast cancer. For women who had their first breast cancer before the age of 40 years, the cumulative risk of contralateral breast cancer after 25 years was 55.1% for BRCA1, 38.4% for BRCA2, and 28.4% for patients from BRCA1/2 negative families. If the first breast cancer was diagnosed at the age of 50 or later, 25-year cumulative risks were 21.6% for BRCA1, 15.5% for BRCA2, and 12.9% for BRCA1/2 negative families. CONCLUSIONS Contralateral breast cancer risk in patients from high risk families that tested negative for BRCA1/2 mutations is similar to the risk in patients with sporadic breast cancer. Thus, the mutation status should guide decision making for contralateral mastectomy.

Authors: Kerstin Rhiem, Christoph Engel, Monika Graeser, Silke Zachariae, Karin Kast, Marion Kiechle, Nina Ditsch, Wolfgang Janni, Christoph Mundhenke, Michael Golatta, Dominic Varga, Sabine Preisler-Adams, Tilman Heinrich, Ulrich Bick, Dorothea Gadzicki, Susanne Briest, Alfons Meindl, Rita K. Schmutzler

Date Published: 1st Dec 2012

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Abstract (Expand)

Stratification of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) based on HPV16 DNA and RNA status, gene expression patterns, and mutated candidate genes may facilitate patient treatment decision. We characterize head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) with different HPV16 DNA and RNA (E6*I) status from 290 consecutively recruited patients by gene expression profiling and targeted sequencing of 50 genes. We show that tumors with transcriptionally inactive HPV16 (DNA+ RNA-) are similar to HPV-negative (DNA-) tumors regarding gene expression and frequency of TP53 mutations (47%, 8/17 and 43%, 72/167, respectively). We also find that an immune response-related gene expression cluster is associated with lymph node metastasis, independent of HPV16 status and that disruptive TP53 mutations are associated with lymph node metastasis in HPV16 DNA- tumors. We validate each of these associations in another large data set. Four gene expression clusters which we identify differ moderately but significantly in overall survival. Our findings underscore the importance of measuring the HPV16 RNA (E6*I) and TP53-mutation status for patient stratification and identify associations of an immune response-related gene expression cluster and TP53 mutations with lymph node metastasis in HNSCC.

Authors: G. Wichmann, M. Rosolowski, K. Krohn, M. Kreuz, A. Boehm, A. Reiche, U. Scharrer, D. Halama, J. Bertolini, U. Bauer, D. Holzinger, M. Pawlita, J. Hess, C. Engel, D. Hasenclever, M. Scholz, P. Ahnert, H. Kirsten, A. Hemprich, C. Wittekind, O. Herbarth, F. Horn, A. Dietz, M. Loeffler

Date Published: 15th Dec 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: head and neck cancer

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVES: Normative data concerning the speaking voice in the general population were gathered with the aim to establish standard values for clinical diagnostics. Associations between the speaking voice and sociodemographic factors were examined. STUDY DESIGN: This is a prospective cross-sectional population-based study. METHODS: Speaking voice profiles were measured for 2472 (1154 male and 1318 female) participants between the ages of 40 and 79 years, using four speaking voice intensity levels: softest speaking voice (I), conversational voice (II), classroom voice (III), and shouting voice (IV). Smoking status and socioeconomic status were assessed. Data were analyzed using multivariate regression. RESULTS: The mean voice frequencies were 111.8 Hz for male and 161.3 Hz for female participants (I), 111.9 Hz for male and 168.5 Hz for female participants (II), 130.2 Hz for male and 198.0 Hz for female participants (III), and 175.5 Hz for male and 246.2 Hz for female participants (IV). Frequencies increased significantly with age for male but not for female participants. Sound pressure levels rose significantly with age at intensity levels I-III for both sexes, but decreased at intensity level IV. Frequencies and sound pressure levels were similar between nonsmokers and former smokers. Current smokers showed significantly lower frequencies as opposed to non- and former smokers. Speaking voice range and dynamics increased with higher socioeconomic status. CONCLUSIONS: The data are suitable as age-adjusted normative values for clinical measurement of the speaking voice. The mean fundamental speaking voice frequency of female participants was six to seven semitones lower than previously described.

Authors: M. Berg, M. Fuchs, K. Wirkner, M. Loeffler, C. Engel, T. Berger

Date Published: 3rd Jul 2016

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND The TP53 pathway, in which TP53 and its negative regulator MDM2 are the central elements, has an important role in carcinogenesis, particularly in BRCA1- and BRCA2-mediated carcinogenesis.. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region of MDM2 (309T\textgreaterG, rs2279744) and a coding SNP of TP53 (Arg72Pro, rs1042522) have been shown to be of functional significance. METHODS To investigate whether these SNPs modify breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers, we pooled genotype data on the TP53 Arg72Pro SNP in 7011 mutation carriers and on the MDM2 309T\textgreaterG SNP in 2222 mutation carriers from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA). Data were analysed using a Cox proportional hazards model within a retrospective likelihood framework. RESULTS No association was found between these SNPs and breast cancer risk for BRCA1 (TP53: per-allele hazard ratio (HR)=1.01, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.93-1.10, P(trend)=0.77; MDM2: HR=0.96, 95%CI: 0.84-1.09, P(trend)=0.54) or for BRCA2 mutation carriers (TP53: HR=0.99, 95%CI: 0.87-1.12, P(trend)=0.83; MDM2: HR=0.98, 95%CI: 0.80-1.21, P(trend)=0.88). We also evaluated the potential combined effects of both SNPs on breast cancer risk, however, none of their combined genotypes showed any evidence of association. CONCLUSION There was no evidence that TP53 Arg72Pro or MDM2 309T\textgreaterG, either singly or in combination, influence breast cancer risk in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers.

Authors: O. M. Sinilnikova, A. C. Antoniou, J. Simard, S. Healey, M. Léoné, D. Sinnett, A. B. Spurdle, J. Beesley, X. Chen, M. H. Greene, J. T. Loud, F. Lejbkowicz, G. Rennert, S. Dishon, I. L. Andrulis, S. M. Domchek, K. L. Nathanson, S. Manoukian, P. Radice, I. Konstantopoulou, I. Blanco, A. L. Laborde, M. Durán, A. Osorio, J. Benitez, U. Hamann, F. B. L. Hogervorst, T. A. M. van Os, H. J. P. Gille, S. Peock, M. Cook, C. Luccarini, D. G. Evans, F. Lalloo, R. Eeles, G. Pichert, R. Davidson, T. Cole, J. Cook, J. Paterson, C. Brewer, D. J. Hughes, I. Coupier, S. Giraud, F. Coulet, C. Colas, F. Soubrier, E. Rouleau, I. Bièche, R. Lidereau, L. Demange, C. Nogues, H. T. Lynch, R. K. Schmutzler, B. Versmold, C. Engel, A. Meindl, N. Arnold, C. Sutter, H. Deissler, D. Schaefer, U. G. Froster, K. Aittomäki, H. Nevanlinna, L. McGuffog, D. F. Easton, G. Chenevix-Trench, D. Stoppa-Lyonnet

Date Published: 1st Oct 2009

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndrome

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: Despite the widespread use of noninvasive testing prior to invasive coronary diagnostic the diagnostic yield of elective coronary angiography has been reported low in subjects with suspected obstructive CAD. OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive value of noncoronary atherosclerosis (NCA) in subjects with suspected stable coronary artery disease (CAD) intended to invasive coronary angiography. METHODS: Ultrasound-based assessment of carotid artery plaque (CAP), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and ankle-brachial index (ABI) was performed in 2216 subjects with suspected CAD prior to coronary angiography. Logistic regression and c-statistics were used to analyze the diagnostic value of NCA for the presence of obstructive CAD and the intention to revascularization. RESULTS: Percentage of positive results of elective coronary angiography was low but comparable to other studies (41% obstructive CAD). We identified 1323 subjects (60%) with NCA, most of them were characterized by CAP (93%). CAP independently predicted obstructive CAD in addition to traditional risk factors and clinical factors while CIMT and ABI failed to improve the prediction. The presence of NCA and typical angina were the strongest predictors for obstructive CAD (OR 4.0 and 2.4, respectively). A large subgroup of patients (n = 703, 32%) with atypical clinical presentation and lack of NCA revealed a low indication for revascularization <15% indicating a large proportion of subjects with non-obstructive CAD in this subgroup. CONCLUSION: The evaluation of noncoronary atherosclerosis has the potential to impact clinical decision making and to direct subsequent diagnostic procedures in subjects with suspected coronary artery disease. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00497887.

Authors: A. Weissgerber, M. Scholz, A. Teren, M. Sandri, D. Teupser, S. Gielen, J. Thiery, G. Schuler, F. Beutner

Date Published: 13th Sep 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis

Abstract (Expand)

Dopamine has been implicated in the regulation of sleep-wake states and the circadian rhythm. However, there is no consensus on the impact of two established dopaminergic gene variants: the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met (COMT Val158Met; rs4680) and the dopamine D4 receptor Exon III variable-number-of-tandem-repeat polymorphism (DRD4 VNTR). Pursuing a multi-method approach, we examined their potential effects on circadian preferences, arousal regulation and sleep. Subjects underwent a 7-day actigraphy assessment (SenseWear Pro3), a 20-minute resting EEG (analyzed using VIGALL 2.0) and a body mass index (BMI) assessment. Further, they completed the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ), the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The sample comprised 4625 subjects (19-82 years) genotyped for COMT Val158Met, and 689 elderly subjects (64-82 years) genotyped for DRD4 VNTR. The number of subjects varied across phenotypes. Power calculations revealed a minimum required phenotypic variance explained by genotype ranging between 0.5% and 1.5% for COMT Val158Met and between 3.3% and 6.0% for DRD4 VNTR. Analyses did not reveal significant genotype effects on MEQ, ESS, PSQI, BMI, actigraphy and EEG variables. Additionally, we found no compelling evidence in sex- and age-stratified subsamples. Few associations surpassed the threshold of nominal significance (p < .05), providing some indication for a link between DRD4 VNTR and daytime sleepiness. Taken together, in light of the statistical power obtained in the present study, our data particularly suggest no impact of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism on circadian preferences, arousal regulation and sleep. The suggestive link between DRD4 VNTR and daytime sleepiness, on the other hand, might be worth investigation in a sample enriched with younger adults.

Authors: P. Jawinski, S. Tegelkamp, C. Sander, M. Hantzsch, J. Huang, N. Mauche, M. Scholz, J. Spada, C. Ulke, R. Burkhardt, A. Reif, U. Hegerl, T. Hensch

Date Published: 6th May 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

RATIONALE: Tobacco use is linked to cerebral atrophy and reduced cognitive performance in later life. However, smoking-related long-term effects on brain function remain largely uncertain. Previous studies suggest that nicotine affects serotonergic signaling, and the intensity dependence (alias loudness dependence) of the auditory evoked N1-P2 potential has been proposed as a marker of serotonergic neurotransmission. OBJECTIVE: In the present study, we assesed the effects of chronic smoking on amplitude and intensity dependence of the auditory evoked N1-P2 potential. METHODS: Subjects underwent a 15-min intensity dependence of auditory evoked potentials (IAEP) paradigm. From N = 1739 eligible subjects (40-79 years), we systematically matched current smokers, ex-smokers, and never-smokers by sex, age, alcohol and caffeine consumption, and socioeconomic status. Between-group differences and potential dose-dependencies were evaluated. RESULTS: Analyses revealed higher N1-P2 amplitudes and intensity dependencies in never-smokers relative to ex- and current smokers, with ex-smokers exhibiting intermediate intensity dependencies. Moreover, we observed pack years and number of cigarettes consumed per day to be inversely correlated with amplitudes in current smokers. CONCLUSIONS: According to the IAEP serotonin hypothesis, our results suggest serotonin activity to be highest in current smokers, intermediate in ex-smokers, and lowest in never-smokers. To our knowledge, the present study is the first providing evidence for a dose-dependent reduction in N1-P2 amplitudes. Further, we extend prior research by showing reduced amplitudes and intensity dependencies in ex-smokers even 25 years, on average, after cessation. While we can rule out several smoking-related confounders to bias observed associations, causal inferences remain to be established by future longitudinal studies.

Authors: P. Jawinski, N. Mauche, C. Ulke, J. Huang, J. Spada, C. Enzenbach, C. Sander, U. Hegerl, T. Hensch

Date Published: 18th Mar 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Remolding of tRNAs is a well-documented process in mitochondrial genomes that changes the identity of a tRNA. It involves a duplication of a tRNA gene, a mutation that changes the anticodon and the loss of the ancestral tRNA gene. The net effect is a functional tRNA that is more closely related to tRNAs of a different alloacceptor family than to tRNAs with the same anticodon in related species. Beyond being of interest for understanding mitochondrial tRNA function and evolution, tRNA remolding events can lead to artifacts in the annotation of mitogenomes and thus in studies of mitogenomic evolution. Therefore, it is important to identify and catalog these events. Here we describe novel methods to detect tRNA remolding in large-scale data sets and apply them to survey tRNA remolding throughout animal evolution. We identify several novel remolding events in addition to the ones previously mentioned in the literature. A detailed analysis of these remoldings showed that many of them are derived from ancestral events.

Authors: A. H. Sahyoun, M. Holzer, F. Juhling, C. Honer zu Siederdissen, M. Al-Arab, K. Tout, M. Marz, M. Middendorf, P. F. Stadler, M. Bernt

Date Published: 18th Sep 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Previous transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) have identified breast cancer risk genes by integrating data from expression quantitative loci and genome-wide association studies (GWAS), but analyses of breast cancer subtype-specific associations have been limited. In this study, we conducted a TWAS using gene expression data from GTEx and summary statistics from the hitherto largest GWAS meta-analysis conducted for breast cancer overall, and by estrogen receptor subtypes (ER+ and ER-). We further compared associations with ER+ and ER- subtypes, using a case-only TWAS approach. We also conducted multigene conditional analyses in regions with multiple TWAS associations. Two genes, STXBP4 and HIST2H2BA, were specifically associated with ER+ but not with ER- breast cancer. We further identified 30 TWAS-significant genes associated with overall breast cancer risk, including four that were not identified in previous studies. Conditional analyses identified single independent breast-cancer gene in three of six regions harboring multiple TWAS-significant genes. Our study provides new information on breast cancer genetics and biology, particularly about genomic differences between ER+ and ER- breast cancer.

Authors: Helian Feng, Alexander Gusev, Bogdan Pasaniuc, Lang Wu, Jirong Long, Zomoroda Abu-Full, Kristiina Aittomäki, Irene L. Andrulis, Hoda Anton-Culver, Antonis C. Antoniou, Adalgeir Arason, Volker Arndt, Kristan J. Aronson, Banu K. Arun, Ella Asseryanis, Paul L. Auer, Jacopo Azzollini, Judith Balmaña, Rosa B. Barkardottir, Daniel R. Barnes, Daniel Barrowdale, Matthias W. Beckmann, Sabine Behrens, Javier Benitez, Marina Bermisheva, Katarzyna Białkowska, Ana Blanco, Carl Blomqvist, Bram Boeckx, Natalia V. Bogdanova, Stig E. Bojesen, Manjeet K. Bolla, Bernardo Bonanni, Ake Borg, Hiltrud Brauch, Hermann Brenner, Ignacio Briceno, Annegien Broeks, Thomas Brüning, Barbara Burwinkel, Qiuyin Cai, Trinidad Caldés, Maria A. Caligo, Ian Campbell, Sander Canisius, Daniele Campa, Brian D. Carter, Jonathan Carter, Jose E. Castelao, Jenny Chang-Claude, Stephen J. Chanock, Hans Christiansen, Wendy K. Chung, Kathleen B. M. Claes, Christine L. Clarke, Fergus J. Couch, Angela Cox, Simon S. Cross, Cezary Cybulski, Kamila Czene, Mary B. Daly, Miguel de La Hoya, Kim de Leeneer, Joe Dennis, Peter Devilee, Orland Diez, Susan M. Domchek, Thilo Dörk, Isabel Dos-Santos-Silva, Alison M. Dunning, Miriam Dwek, Diana M. Eccles, Bent Ejlertsen, Carolina Ellberg, Christoph Engel, Mikael Eriksson, Peter A. Fasching, Olivia Fletcher, Henrik Flyger, Florentia Fostira, Eitan Friedman, Lin Fritschi, Debra Frost, Marike Gabrielson, Patricia A. Ganz, Susan M. Gapstur, Judy Garber, Montserrat García-Closas, José A. García-Sáenz, Mia M. Gaudet, Graham G. Giles, Gord Glendon, Andrew K. Godwin, Mark S. Goldberg, David E. Goldgar, Anna González-Neira, Mark H. Greene, Jacek Gronwald, Pascal Guénel, Christopher A. Haiman, Per Hall, Ute Hamann, Christopher Hake, Wei He, Jane Heyworth, Frans B. L. Hogervorst, Antoinette Hollestelle, Maartje J. Hooning, Robert N. Hoover, John L. Hopper, Guanmengqian Huang, Peter J. Hulick, Keith Humphreys, Evgeny N. Imyanitov, Claudine Isaacs, Milena Jakimovska, Anna Jakubowska, Paul James, Ramunas Janavicius, Rachel C. Jankowitz, Esther M. John, Nichola Johnson, Vijai Joseph, Audrey Jung, Beth Y. Karlan, Elza Khusnutdinova, Johanna I. Kiiski, Irene Konstantopoulou, Vessela N. Kristensen, Yael Laitman, Diether Lambrechts, Conxi Lazaro, Dominique Leroux, Goska Leslie, Jenny Lester, Fabienne Lesueur, Noralane Lindor, Sara Lindström, Wing-Yee Lo, Jennifer T. Loud, Jan Lubiński, Enes Makalic, Arto Mannermaa, Mehdi Manoochehri, Siranoush Manoukian, Sara Margolin, John W. M. Martens, Maria E. Martinez, Laura Matricardi, Tabea Maurer, Dimitrios Mavroudis, Lesley McGuffog, Alfons Meindl, Usha Menon, Kyriaki Michailidou, Pooja M. Kapoor, Austin Miller, Marco Montagna, Fernando Moreno, Lidia Moserle, Anna M. Mulligan, Taru A. Muranen, Katherine L. Nathanson, Susan L. Neuhausen, Heli Nevanlinna, Ines Nevelsteen, Finn C. Nielsen, Liene Nikitina-Zake, Kenneth Offit, Edith Olah, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, Håkan Olsson, Ana Osorio, Janos Papp, Tjoung-Won Park-Simon, Michael T. Parsons, Inge S. Pedersen, Ana Peixoto, Paolo Peterlongo, Julian Peto, Paul D. P. Pharoah, Kelly-Anne Phillips, Dijana Plaseska-Karanfilska, Bruce Poppe, Nisha Pradhan, Karolina Prajzendanc, Nadege Presneau, Kevin Punie, Katri Pylkäs, Paolo Radice, Johanna Rantala, Muhammad Usman Rashid, Gad Rennert, Harvey A. Risch, Mark Robson, Atocha Romero, Emmanouil Saloustros, Dale P. Sandler, Catarina Santos, Elinor J. Sawyer, Marjanka K. Schmidt, Daniel F. Schmidt, Rita K. Schmutzler, Minouk J. Schoemaker, Rodney J. Scott, Priyanka Sharma, Xiao-Ou Shu, Jacques Simard, Christian F. Singer, Anne-Bine Skytte, Penny Soucy, Melissa C. Southey, John J. Spinelli, Amanda B. Spurdle, Jennifer Stone, Anthony J. Swerdlow, William J. Tapper, Jack A. Taylor, Manuel R. Teixeira, Mary Beth Terry, Alex Teulé, Mads Thomassen, Kathrin Thöne, Darcy L. Thull, Marc Tischkowitz, Amanda E. Toland, Rob A. E. M. Tollenaar, Diana Torres, Thérèse Truong, Nadine Tung, Celine M. Vachon, Christi J. van Asperen, Ans M. W. van den Ouweland, Elizabeth J. van Rensburg, Ana Vega, Alessandra Viel, Paula Vieiro-Balo, Qin Wang, Barbara Wappenschmidt, Clarice R. Weinberg, Jeffrey N. Weitzel, Camilla Wendt, Robert Winqvist, Xiaohong R. Yang, Drakoulis Yannoukakos, Argyrios Ziogas, Roger L. Milne, Douglas F. Easton, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Wei Zheng, Peter Kraft, Xia Jiang

Date Published: 1st Jul 2020

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: breast cancer

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