GC-HNPCC - German Consortium for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer


The aim of the GC-HNPCC is to improve the cinical care of patients with Lynch syndrome in Germany through a network of specialised university centers providing structured interdisciplinary care. Furthermore, GC-HNPCC collects comprehensive data on patients and families in a standardized manner, in order to promote research on Lynch syndrome.

The German Consortium for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer has been founded in 1999 by the German Cancer Aid and has been funded by the German Cancer Aid until recently. GC-HNPCC currently comprises 6 university centers providing genetic counseling, histopathological and molecular tissue analysis, genetic testing, and specific structured surveillance programs for early cancer detection at each clinical unit, all based on defined standard operating procedures.

Health Atlas - Local Data Hub/Leipzig PALs: No PALs for this Project

Project Coordinators: No Project coordinators for this Project

Project start date: 1st Jan 1999

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