Summary Statistics for CPA_sum
Version 1

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Summary statistics from GWAS of CPA_sum for

  • all samples (adjusted for age and sex)
  • men only (adjusted for age)
  • women only (adjusted for age)

These data are intended for research purposes only.

Citation: Pott et al. (2020) Genome-wide analysis of carotid plaque burden suggests a role of IL5 in men. PLOS ONE. PubMed ID: 32469969

When using this data acknowledge the source as follows: 'Data on sum of plaque areas has been contributed by LIFE-Adult investigators and has been downloaded from'

For any enquiries about the datasets, please contact Janne Pott ( or Markus Scholz (

Files are in text delimited format and include: Markername, chr, bp_hg19, effect_allele, other_allele, effect_allele_freq, info, n, beta, se, p

LHA ID: 81W5DN2D72-1

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Size: 763 MB

Data file type: Not specified

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified

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Views: 3404   Downloads: 147

Created: 17th Apr 2020 at 17:43

Last updated: 2nd Jun 2020 at 06:51

Last used: 27th Jul 2024 at 03:59

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Version History

Version 1 Created 17th Apr 2020 at 17:43 by Janne Pott

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