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15 Models visible to you, out of a total of 15

The 'Future 10-year risk calculator' is a tool designed to help determine the optimal timing for follow-up counseling based on the cumulative breast cancer risks provided in the CanRisk-Report created by the CanRisk website as a result of the BOADICEA risk assessment. It is not a replacement for the BOADICEA model, nor is it intended for medical diagnosis, treatment decisions, or the monitoring of health conditions. The risk estimation assumes that the individual's and family's risk profile remains ...

Creators: Christoph Engel, Silke Zachariae

Submitter: Silke Zachariae

Large scale epidemiological studies, such as LIFE-ADULT, including thousands of participants with a multitude of novel QT assessments allow to define reference values. Reference values are typically used in quality control to find outliers in a specified data volume or to evaluate a given measurement value regarding its pathologic value. Measuring the hand grip strength is a standard assessment in LIFE, for which is no or little prior knowledge regarding reference values available.

Based on the ...

Creator: Toralf Kirsten

Submitter: René Hänsel

This package should simplify the translation of the classifications reported in Wichmann et al. 2015 to other data sets of head and neck cancers.

Classification of head and neck tumor samples into HPV-positive and negative samples based on their gene expression. Classification of the samples into molecular subgroups reported in Wichmann et al. 2015

Creator: Maciej Rosolowski

Submitter: René Hänsel

Emerging health geography research analyzes and visualizes health behaviors and outcomes in relation to urban environmental data and related official statistics to produce “health reports” for specific areas. This can be extended to developments in urban planning, e.g., to identify districts or neighborhoods for social investments or restrictions.

We mapped anthropometric data the large LIFE Adult population (10,000 participants) onto the Leipzig map. In particular, we derived the body mass index ...

Creator: Ying-Chi Lin

Submitter: René Hänsel

All studies and research projects those data are hosted by the Leipzig Health Atlas should follow the FAIR standard. Thus, data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. To follow the FAIR standard, all data need to be described by rich metadata, on the technical and semantical level. These metadata can then be used to query and search for data elements in a single study or over all studies.

We provide the LHA data portal allowing to searching and accessing data elements in single ...

Creator: Toralf Kirsten

Submitter: René Hänsel

Emerging health geography research analyzes and visualizes health behaviors and outcomes in relation to urban environmental data and related official statistics to produce “health reports” for specific areas.

We mapped measured hand grip data of the large LIFE Adult population (10,000 participants) onto the Leipzig map. In particular, we locate each participant at the time of participation in Leipzig and, thus, can derive hand grip strength averages (incl. mean, median) per specific city districts. ...

Creator: Toralf Kirsten

Submitter: René Hänsel

No description specified

Creator: Thomas Peschel

Submitter: Thomas Peschel

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