Mortality in incident dementia - results from the German Study on Aging, Cognition, and Dementia in Primary Care Patients.


OBJECTIVE: Dementia is known to increase mortality, but the relative loss of life years and contributing factors are not well established. Thus, we aimed to investigate mortality in incident dementia from disease onset. METHOD: Data were derived from the prospective longitudinal German AgeCoDe study. We used proportional hazards models to assess the impact of sociodemographic and health characteristics on mortality after dementia onset, Kaplan-Meier method for median survival times. RESULTS: Of 3214 subjects at risk, 523 (16.3%) developed incident dementia during a 9-year follow-up period. Median survival time after onset was 3.2 years (95% CI = 2.8-3.7) at a mean age of 85.0 (SD = 4.0) years (>/=2.6 life years lost compared with the general German population). Survival was shorter in older age, males other dementias than Alzheimer's, and in the absence of subjective memory complaints (SMC). CONCLUSION: Our findings emphasize that dementia substantially shortens life expectancy. Future studies should further investigate the potential impact of SMC on mortality in dementia.

PubMed ID: 26052745

Projects: LIFE Adult

Publication type: Not specified

Journal: Acta Psychiatr Scand

Human Diseases: Cognitive disorder, Dementia

Citation: Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2015 Oct;132(4):257-69. doi: 10.1111/acps.12454. Epub 2015 Jun 5.

Date Published: 9th Jun 2015

Registered Mode: by PubMed ID

Authors: S. Roehr, T. Luck, H. Bickel, C. Brettschneider, A. Ernst, A. Fuchs, K. Heser, H. H. Konig, F. Jessen, C. Lange, E. Mosch, M. Pentzek, S. Steinmann, S. Weyerer, J. Werle, B. Wiese, M. Scherer, W. Maier, S. G. Riedel-Heller

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Created: 9th May 2019 at 10:46

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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