Impact of chronic smoking on P3 components in a three-stimulus oddball paradigm


Background: The P3 is related to cognitive functions, psychopathology and effects of cognition-improving and -impairing drugs. Studies assessing the chronic effects of smoking on P3 mostly reported a reduction of P3 amplitude for chronic and former smokers. To date, only a few studies have analyzed this impact by using a three-stimulus oddball paradigm. This study tries to replicate previous smoking associations applying an eyes-closed active three-stimulus oddball paradigm in a well-diagnosed population based sample of healthy elderly subjects who were allowed to smoke ad libitum. The study also tries to estimate whether smoking is a relevant confounder in P3 assessment within the analyzed sample. Methods: From the Leipzig Health Care Study (LIFE) current, former and non-smokers without mental or neurological disorders were matched by age, sex and qualification. Risky alcohol consumption was further exclusion criterion given the strong association between alcoholism and P3 amplitude reduction. Results: Smoking status was not associated with any P3 parameter, with exception of prolonged P3a latency at Fz in former smokers compared to never smokers. Also, there were no significant effects of smoking status on any of the behavioral measures or a correlation with smoking-related data. Discussion: This study indicates that smoking does not seem to relevantly impact the P3 components in non-abstaining healthy elderly subjects when confounders are controlled for.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1558016

Projects: LIFE Adult

Publication type: Not specified

Journal: Georg Thieme Verlag KG

Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified


Date Published: 1st Sep 2015

Registered Mode: Not specified

Authors: N. Mauche, C. Sander, P. Jawinski, C. Enzenbach, S. Olbrich, P. Schonknecht, U. Hegerl, T. Hensch

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Mauche, N., Sander, C., Jawinski, P., Enzenbach, C., Schönknecht, P., Hegerl, U., & Hensch, T. (2015). Impact of chronic smoking on P3 components in a three-stimulus oddball paradigm. In Pharmacopsychiatry (Vol. 48, Issue 06). Georg Thieme Verlag KG.

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Created: 9th May 2019 at 10:32

Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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