Data files
Image of main FHIR resources with core data set (KDS) compliant linking.
For our R-based workflow on GitHub pulmonologists_interspecies_scRNA
, we here provide the processed resulting annotated integrated Seurat file.
References for original datasets :
Human Charité: Hocke A, Hönzke K, Obermayer B, Baumgardt M, Wyler E, Hippenstiel S, Mache C. Charité Berlin /Berlin Institute of Health. GEO accessions GSM5958267, GSM5958272, GSM5958283, GSM5958285
Human Travaglini et al.: published at ...
This workspace contains all data generated by the combiSOM analysis of patient-matched gene expression, DNA-methylation and copy number variation (CNV) of 121 lower grade glioma (LGG) specimen.