Mathematical ability is heritable and related to several genes expressing proteins in the brain. It is unknown, however, which intermediate neural phenotypes could explain how these genes relate to mathematical ability. Here, we examined genetic effects on cerebral cortical volume of 3-6-year-old children without mathematical training to predict mathematical ability in school at 7-9 years of age. To this end, we followed an exploration sample (n = 101) and an independent replication sample (n = 77). We found that ROBO1, a gene known to regulate prenatal growth of cerebral cortical layers, is associated with the volume of the right parietal cortex, a key region for quantity representation. Individual volume differences in this region predicted up to a fifth of the behavioral variance in mathematical ability. Our findings indicate that a fundamental genetic component of the quantity processing system is rooted in the early development of the parietal cortex.
PubMed ID: 33090992
Projects: Genetical Statistics and Systems Biology
Publication type: Journal article
Journal: PLoS Biol
Human Diseases: No Human Disease specified
Citation: PLoS Biol. 2020 Oct 22;18(10):e3000871. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000871. eCollection 2020 Oct.
Date Published: 22nd Oct 2020
Registered Mode: by PubMed ID

Views: 2382
Created: 3rd Nov 2020 at 10:34
Last updated: 7th Dec 2021 at 17:58

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