Data files

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176 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 176
No description specified

Creator: Maciej Rosolowski

Submitter: Maciej Rosolowski

Data file type: SOM Data

Human Diseases: head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

No description specified

Creator: Markus Löffler

Submitter: René Hänsel

Data file type: Clinical Data

No description specified

Creator: Markus Löffler

Submitter: René Hänsel

Data file type: Clinical Data

No description specified

Creator: Markus Löffler

Submitter: René Hänsel

Data file type: Clinical Data

We present an extensive and detailed study on the gene expression landscape of peripheral blood of healthy individuals based on transcriptome data of 3,388 individuals screened in the population study LIFE between 2011 and 2014. For analysis we applied a neural network technique using self-organizing maps (SOM). Our home-made R-program ‘oposSOM’ enables to reduce the dimension of expression data from tens of thousands of genes to a few thousand ‘meta-genes’ and generates portraits of transcriptional ...

Creator: Henry Löffler-Wirth

Submitters: Christoph Beger, Henry Löffler-Wirth

Data file type: SOM Data

No description specified

Creator: Markus Löffler

Submitter: René Hänsel

Data file type: Clinical Data

Gene expression of 270 patients with head and neck cancer Within the Leipzig Head and Neck Group (LHNG) we designed an observational cohort study to include consecutive patients with primary and metachronous secondary HNSCC of oral cavity, larynx, oro-, and hypopharynx. All tumors were pathohistologically classified as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (ICDO-M-8070/3, 8071/3, 8083/3). Excluded from the study were patients with prior history of cancer other than HNSCC within the last 5 years. ...

Creator: Maciej Rosolowski

Submitter: René Hänsel

Data file type: Other OMICs Data

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