
37 Publications visible to you, out of a total of 37


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Authors: U.Sax, C. Bauer, T. Ganslandt, T. Kirsten

Date Published: 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: The LIFE-Adult-Study is a population-based cohort study, which has recently completed the baseline examination of 10,000 randomly selected participants from Leipzig, a major city with 550,000 inhabitants in the east of Germany. It is the first study of this kind and size in an urban population in the eastern part of Germany. The study is conducted by the Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE). Our objective is to investigate prevalences, early onset markers, genetic predispositions, and the role of lifestyle factors of major civilization diseases, with primary focus on metabolic and vascular diseases, heart function, cognitive impairment, brain function, depression, sleep disorders and vigilance dysregulation, retinal and optic nerve degeneration, and allergies. METHODS/DESIGN: The study covers a main age range from 40-79 years with particular deep phenotyping in elderly participants above the age of 60. The baseline examination was conducted from August 2011 to November 2014. All participants underwent an extensive core assessment programme (5-6 h) including structured interviews, questionnaires, physical examinations, and biospecimen collection. Participants over 60 underwent two additional assessment programmes (3-4 h each) on two separate visits including deeper cognitive testing, brain magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic interviews for depression, and electroencephalography. DISCUSSION: The participation rate was 33 %. The assessment programme was accepted well and completely passed by almost all participants. Biomarker analyses have already been performed in all participants. Genotype, transcriptome and metabolome analyses have been conducted in subgroups. The first follow-up examination will commence in 2016.

Authors: M. Loeffler, C. Engel, P. Ahnert, D. Alfermann, K. Arelin, R. Baber, F. Beutner, H. Binder, E. Brahler, R. Burkhardt, U. Ceglarek, C. Enzenbach, M. Fuchs, H. Glaesmer, F. Girlich, A. Hagendorff, M. Hantzsch, U. Hegerl, S. Henger, T. Hensch, A. Hinz, V. Holzendorf, D. Husser, A. Kersting, A. Kiel, T. Kirsten, J. Kratzsch, K. Krohn, T. Luck, S. Melzer, J. Netto, M. Nuchter, M. Raschpichler, F. G. Rauscher, S. G. Riedel-Heller, C. Sander, M. Scholz, P. Schonknecht, M. L. Schroeter, J. C. Simon, R. Speer, J. Staker, R. Stein, Y. Stobel-Richter, M. Stumvoll, A. Tarnok, A. Teren, D. Teupser, F. S. Then, A. Tonjes, R. Treudler, A. Villringer, A. Weissgerber, P. Wiedemann, S. Zachariae, K. Wirkner, J. Thiery

Date Published: 22nd Jul 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Human Diseases: disease of mental health, mental depression, vascular disease, allergic hypersensitivity disease, sleep disorder, retinal degeneration

Abstract (Expand)

LIFE is an epidemiological study determining thousands of Leipzig inhabitants with a wide spectrum of interviews, questionnaires, and medical investigations. The heterogeneous data are centrally integrated into a research database and are analyzed by specific analysis projects. To semantically describe the large set of data, we have developed an ontological framework. Applicants of analysis projects and other interested people can use the LIFE Investigation Ontology (LIO) as central part of the framework to get insights, which kind of data is collected in LIFE. Moreover, we use the framework to generate queries over the collected scientific data in order to retrieve data as requested by each analysis project. A query generator transforms the ontological specifications using LIO to database queries which are implemented as project-specific database views. Since the requested data is typically complex, a manual query specification would be very timeconsuming, error-prone, and is, therefore, unsuitable in this large project. We present the approach, overview LIO and show query formulation and transformation. Our approach runs in production mode for two years in LIFE.

Authors: Toralf Kirsten, A. Uciteli

Date Published: 2015

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Life Child is an epidemiological study running at the LIFE Research Center for Civilization Diseas-es (University of Leipzig) since 2011. It aims at monitoring the development in children and adolescents by examining thousands of children in and around Leipzig. Of particular interest in this study are motor skills and physical activities of children between 6 and 18 years. There are multiple examinations including interviews, self-completed questionnaires and physical examinations (e.g., sport tests) to generate data describing the determined child as well her lifestyle and environment. The goal is to find causes for low to non physical activity and unincisive motor skills and capabilities since they are commonly attended with diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. As a first step in this direction, we analyzed data of specific sport tests, such as pushups, side steps and long jumps, according to the body mass index (BMI) of participants. We found that participants with high BMI achieve a similar number of pushups in early years like the normal BMI group, while in later years the pushup number of participants with normal BMI exceeds the pushup number of high BMI group. Surprisingly, the number of side steps is indifferent over age categories (6-18, yearly) between both groups. Conversely, the normal BMI group achieve higher distances through-out all age categories than the high BMI group. In future, we will associate these results with socio-economic and lifestyle indicators, e.g., interest in sport and physical activities of child and parents.

Authors: J. Lang, C. Warnatsch, M. Vogel, Toralf Kirsten, W. Kiess

Date Published: 17th Dec 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Soziodemographische Merkmale gelten in den Humanwissenschaften als globale Einflussfaktoren in fast allen Forschungsgebieten und bilden das Basiselement von Kohortenstudien. Darüber hinaus wurde in vielen Bereichen ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen sozialen Faktoren und Gesundheit nachgewiesen. Insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter nimmt der sozioökonomische Status einer Familie entscheidenden Einfluss auf die physische sowie mentale Entwicklung. Derartige und weitere Forschungsfragen stehen im Blickpunkt des Projektes LIFE Child.

Authors: L. Meißner, C. Bucher, M. Vogel, Toralf Kirsten, S. Nerlich, U. Igel, W. Kiess, A. Hiemisch

Date Published: 17th Dec 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

LIFE Child is an epidemiological cohort study at the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Dis-eases (University of Leipzig). A main goal of LIFE Child is to study the influence of environment and lifestyle factors to the development of children and adolescent in and near Leipzig. In particu-lar, we search for predominant aspects in the development of children with obesity. Typically, data is analyzed by different statistical methods and approaches to find (perhaps multi-variate) pre-dominant markers. Additionally, we map selected data to geographical maps to study their spatial distribution over urban districts of Leipzig, on the one hand. This allows to compara-tively analyze anthropometric measurements, such as age- and gender-corrected height, weight, and body mass index, together with further participant-related data including social indicators, e.g., in-come, education, socio economic indexes and lifestyle data, to distinguish city districts with a high correlation to those with low or no correlation. On the other hand, we associate anthropometric measurements with publicly available data, such as official statistics including district-specific un-employment rates and inhabitant densities by taking the participant's place of living into account. We developed a spatial analysis pipeline of anthropometric and lifestyle data according to Leipzig city districts. While cohort and publicly available data is managed by a database system, the analysis pipeline is implemented by dedicated R scripts. The sample is with more than 2,500 children large enough for first analyses. … Our first results show that unemployment of parents could be a factor for obesity of children especially in districts with low social index.

Authors: M. Vogel, A. Kiel, M. Rühle, Toralf Kirsten, M. Geserick, R. Gausche, G. Grande, D. Molis, U. Igel, S. Alvanides, W. Kiess

Date Published: 1st Nov 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Introduction LIFE child as a part of the 'Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases' is a longitudinal cohort study aiming, inter alia, at monitoring normal development in children and adolescents from fetal life to adulthood. As an important part of the study, anthropometric dimensions are measured via classic methods, e.g. stadiometer or tape measure (ca. 15 items), but also via 3D body scanner technology (ca. 150 items). Because of missing standards data quality control and analysis of the latter one is a particular challenge. Methods We address the problem of absent reference values by using the data itself as a reference sample. Applying the LMS-method using the VGAM/GAMLSS packages [XXX] on a reference sample which is large enough results in age and gender corrected standard deviation scores (SDS) respectively percentile curves. A combination of variable clustering and clustering of values using these SDS is applied to the detect groups of dependend variables and peculiar cases respectively. Results In LIFE child the current reference sample consists of around 4000 scans of 1700 children. The age dependend l, m, and s values for each item are generated by dedicated R-routines and stored in a relational database system. The transformation algorithm by Cole is implemented as database function and dynamically applied on all associated raw data. Conspiciuous values can be detected using the SDS itself or the SDS in comparison with the belonging variable cluster and/or taking into account the follow-up data of the respective participant. These values can be reported and visualized using automated routines.

Authors: M. Vogel, A.L. Fischer, C. Bucher, W. Kiess, Toralf Kirsten

Date Published: 1st Nov 2014

Publication Type: Not specified

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