
228 Publications visible to you, out of a total of 228


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Authors: Miriam Kesselmeier, André Scherag

Date Published: 30th Oct 2018

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: disease by infectious agent

Abstract (Expand)

Metadata Repositories (MDR) are databases for data elements that can be utilized in research as well as in medical care. These data elements are not the actual patient data (facts), but a complete definition of the variables or characteristics used, including coding, unit of measurement, data type and other aspects. The aim of the project described here was to evaluate possible application scenarios for MDRs by a larger group of experts. The focus was not on specific software, but on the community's basic expectation of such a database of data elements. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was designed that contained questions on general aspects of setting up a registry for data elements in biomedical research as well as more specific points with regard to necessary functionalities, desired contents, tools for community work and the quality of data elements. One of the main results was that the users attach more importance to the quality of the content than to the efficiency in implementing their documentation concepts. At the same time, they consider the effort involved in using existing software systems to be too much compared with the benefits and have concerns about the use of their designs by third parties.

Author: Matthias Löbe

Date Published: 9th May 2018

Publication Type: Misc

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: Medical plaintext documents contain important facts about patients, but they are rarely available for structured queries. The provision of structured information from natural language texts in addition to the existing structured data can significantly speed up the search for fulfilled inclusion criteria and thus improve the recruitment rate. OBJECTIVES: This work is aimed at supporting clinical trial recruitment with text mining techniques to identify suitable subjects in hospitals. METHOD: Based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria of 5 sample studies and a text corpus consisting of 212 doctor's letters and medical follow-up documentation from a university cancer center, a prototype was developed and technically evaluated using NLP procedures (UIMA) for the extraction of facts from medical free texts. RESULTS: It was found that although the extracted entities are not always correct (precision between 23% and 96%), they provide a decisive indication as to which patient file should be read preferentially. CONCLUSION: The prototype presented here demonstrates the technical feasibility. In order to find available, lucrative phenotypes, an in-depth evaluation is required.

Authors: M. Lobe, S. Staubert, C. Goldberg, I. Haffner, A. Winter

Date Published: 5th May 2018

Publication Type: Journal article

Human Diseases: breast cancer

Abstract (Expand)

We introduce 3000PA, a clinical document corpus composed of 3,000 EPRs from three different clinical sites, which will serve as the backbone of a national reference language resource for German clinical NLP. We outline its design principles, results from a medication annotation campaign and the evaluation of a first medication information extraction prototype using a subset of 3000PA.

Authors: U. Hahn, F. Matthies, C. Lohr, Markus Löffler

Date Published: 24th Apr 2018

Publication Type: InProceedings


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Authors: T. Nitzsche, S. Thiele, A. Häber, Alfred Winter

Date Published: 20th Jan 2018

Publication Type: Journal article

Abstract (Expand)

The realisation of a complex web portal, including the modelling of content, is a challenging process. The contents describe different interconnected entities that form a complex structure. The entities and their relations have to be systematically analysed, and the content has to be specified and integrated into a content management system (CMS). Ontologies provide a suitable solution for modelling and specifying complex entities and their relations. However, the functionality for automated import of ontologies is not available in current content management systems. In order to describe the content of a web portal, we developed an ontology. Based on this ontology, we implemented a pipeline that allows the specification of the portal’s content and its import into the CMS Drupal. Our method is generic. It enables the development of web portals with the focus on a suitable representation of structured knowledge (entities, their properties and relations). Furthermore, it makes it possible to represent existing ontologies in such a way that their content can be understood by users without knowledge of ontologies and their semantics. Our approach has successfully been applied in building the LHA (Leipzig Health Atlas) portal, which provides access to metadata, data, publications and methods from various research projects at the University of Leipzig.

Authors: A. Uciteli, C. Beger, C. Rillich, F. A. Meineke, M. Loffler, H. Herre

Date Published: 2018

Publication Type: InBook


Not specified

Authors: T. Ganslandt, M. Boeker, Matthias Löbe, F. Prasser, J. Schepers, S. C. Semler, S. Thun, U. Sax

Date Published: 2018

Publication Type: InBook

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