Pathfinder Case Studies address the design, implementation and development of the FAIR4Health innovative services that will serve as demonstrators of the potential impact that may be achieved in terms of health research outcomes.
Projects: FAIR4Health
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Created: 6th Jul 2021 at 08:32
Last updated: 6th Jul 2021 at 08:33
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FAIR4Health is a Horizon 2020 project which aims to FAIRify medical datasets.
Programme: Science with and for Society (SwafS) in Horizon 2020
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Dec 2019
End date: 30th Nov 2021
Organisms: Not specified
To achieve the objective of Use Case 1, a retrospective study has been performed with data from 5 EU cohorts in different health care settings (hospital, primary care, nursing homes) and health research organizations:
- UNIGE: provides anonymized health care data from the EHR of the University Hospitals of Geneva.
- SAS: provides health care data from the EHR of the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville as part of the Andalusian Health Service.
- UCSC: provides health ...
Submitter: Matthias Löbe
Investigation: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Resources: Clinical Dataset
Study type: Secondary data analysis
Snapshots: No snapshots
Clinical data extracted from local EHR systems.
Submitter: Matthias Löbe
Resource type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Human Diseases: No human diseases
Data files: IACS data, IACS metadata, SAS data, SAS metadata, UCSC data, UCSC metadata, UNIGE data, UNIGE metadata, UP data, UP metadata
Snapshots: No snapshots
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Jonás Carmona-Pírez, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Antonio Poncel-Falcó, Jessica Rochat, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Alicia Martínez-García, Carmen Angioletti, Marta Almada, Mert Gencturk, A. Anil Sinaci, Jara Eloisa Ternero-Vega, Christophe Gaudet-Blavignac, Christian Lovis, Rosa Liperoti, Elisio Costa, Carlos Luis Parra-Calderón, Aida Moreno-Juste, Antonio Gimeno-Miguel, Alexandra Prados-Torres
Date Published: 1st Feb 2022
Publication Type: Journal article
Citation: IJERPH 19(4):2040
This file contains the FHIR CapabilityStatement and FHIR Provenance ressources created within this use case in the local onFHIR store. It covers both #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns and association with health outcomes in the elderly and #2 Early prediction service for 30-days readmission risk in COPD patients.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ... and 1 hidden item
Resources: Clinical Dataset and 1 hidden item
The dataset contains data from 1,313 patients. It is not available for download here, but registered in the FAIR4Health Platform portal.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
The dataset contains data from 244 patients. It is not available for download here, but registered in the FAIR4Health Platform portal.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
This file contains the FHIR CapabilityStatement and FHIR Provenance ressources created within this use case in the local onFHIR store.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
This file contains the FHIR CapabilityStatement and FHIR Provenance ressources created within this use case in the local onFHIR store.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
The dataset contains data from 3,786 patients. It is not available for download here, but registered in the FAIR4Health Platform portal.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
This file contains the FHIR CapabilityStatement and FHIR Provenance ressources created within this use case in the local onFHIR store.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
The dataset contains data from 331 patients. It is not available for download here, but registered in the FAIR4Health Platform portal.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
This file contains the FHIR CapabilityStatement and FHIR Provenance ressources created within this use case in the local onFHIR store.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
The dataset contains data from 5,812 patients. It is not available for download here, but registered in the FAIR4Health Platform portal.
Investigations: FAIR4Health Pathfinder Case Studies
Studies: #1 Characterization of multimorbidity patterns ...
Resources: Clinical Dataset
Projects: NLP4CR - Natural Language Processing for Clinical Research, Evaluation Metadata Repository, SMITH - Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare, FAIR4Health, 3LGM² Enterprise Architecture Modeling, Student Thesis
Institutions: Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE) FAIR4Health
Web page: