Simple Ontology Loader in Drupal (SOLID)
Version 1

This is a Drupal 8 Module to import nodes and taxonomies into Drupal, using the available API. The module is capable of importing a JSON or OWL file. Idea is to enable users to upload a file containing all information about nodes and their relations. The module will then import all contained information with the Drupal 8 API. Nodes can be specified as "articles" or any other custom node type. The node classification becomes one (or multiple) hierachical vocabulary. Supported import formats are JSON and OWL.


1 item is associated with this Model:

Human Disease: Not specified

Model type: Not specified

Model format: Not specified

Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified

Model image: No image specified

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Views: 3368

Created: 6th May 2019 at 14:09

Last updated: 6th May 2019 at 14:09

Last used: 27th Jul 2024 at 02:28

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Version History

Version 1 Created 6th May 2019 at 14:09 by Christoph Beger

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