Phenotype Algorithms




No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
GRGAST1 gastrointestinal bleeding
GRGAST1_1 Yes = 1
GRGAST1_0 No = 0
GRGAST2 severe pancreatitis
GRGAST2_0 No = 0
GRGAST2_1 Yes = 1
GRGAST3 acute abdomen
GRGAST3_1 Yes = 1
GRGAST3_0 No = 0
GRGAST4 liver failure
GRGAST4_0 No = 0
GRGAST4_1 Yes = 1
GRHAEM1 coagulation disorder [hemorrhage/DIC]
GRHAEM1_0 No = 0
GRHAEM1_1 Yes = 1
GRHAEM2 severe hemolysis
GRHAEM2_0 No = 0
GRHAEM2_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD1 cardiac arrest
GRKARD1_0 No = 0
GRKARD1_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD2A Septic shock
GRKARD2A_0 No = 0
GRKARD2A_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD2B cardiogenic shock
GRKARD2B_0 No = 0
GRKARD2B_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD2C hemorrhagic shock
GRKARD2C_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD2C_0 No = 0
GRKARD3 anginal discomfort
GRKARD3_0 No = 0
GRKARD3_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD4 Arrhythmia
GRKARD4_0 No = 0
GRKARD4_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD5 hypertensive urgency
GRKARD5_1 Yes = 1
GRKARD5_0 No = 0
GRKARD6 heart failure without shock
GRKARD6_0 No = 0
GRKARD6_1 Yes = 1
GRMETA1 Disorders electrolyte/acid-base balance
GRMETA1_1 Yes = 1
GRMETA1_0 No = 0
GRMETA2 hypo or hyperglycemia
GRMETA2_1 Yes = 1
GRMETA2_0 No = 0
GRMETA3 hypo or hyperthermia
GRMETA3_1 Yes = 1
GRMETA3_0 No = 0
GRNEUR1 Coma/stupor/red of vigilance/delirium
GRNEUR1_0 No = 0
GRNEUR1_1 Yes = 1
GRNEUR2 epileptic seizure
GRNEUR2_1 Yes = 1
GRNEUR2_0 No = 0
GRNEUR3 focal neurological deficit
GRNEUR3_1 Yes = 1
GRNEUR3_0 No = 0
GRNEUR4 intracranial brain mass
GRNEUR4_1 Yes = 1
GRNEUR4_0 No = 0
GRNEUR5 intracranial bleeding
GRNEUR5_0 No = 0
GRNEUR5_1 Yes = 1
GROTH1 severe trauma
GROTH1_0 No = 0
GROTH1_1 Yes = 1
GROTH2 gynecological / obstetrical reason
GROTH2_0 No = 0
GROTH2_1 Yes = 1
GROTH3 other reason
GROTH3_0 No = 0
GROTH3_1 Yes = 1
GROTH4 post OP surveillance
GROTH4_1 Yes = 1
GROTH4_0 No = 0
GROTHTXT other reason [text]
GRREN1 acute prerenal renal failure
GRREN1_0 No = 0
GRREN1_1 Yes = 1
GRREN2 acute intrinsic renal failure
GRREN2_0 No = 0
GRREN2_1 Yes = 1
GRREN3 acute postrenal renal failure
GRREN3_0 No = 0
GRREN3_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP2A_0 No = 0
GRRESP2A_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP2B_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP2B_0 No = 0
GRRESP3 respiratory insufficiency [COPD]
GRRESP3_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP3_0 No = 0
GRRESP4 respiratory insufficiency [aspiration]
GRRESP4_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP4_0 No = 0
GRRESP5 respiratory insufficiency [pneumonia]
GRRESP5_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP5_0 No = 0
GRRESP6 pulmonary embolism
GRRESP6_1 Yes = 1
GRRESP6_0 No = 0
grgast Gastrointestinal reason for ICU admi...
grgast_1 Yes = 1
grgast_0 No = 0
grhaem Haematological reason for ICU admission
grhaem_0 No = 0
grhaem_1 Yes = 1
grkard Cardiological reason for ICU admission
grkard_0 No = 0
grkard_1 Yes = 1
grmeta Metabolic reason for ICU admission
grmeta_0 No = 0
grmeta_1 Yes = 1
grneur Neurological reason for ICU admission
grneur_0 No = 0
grneur_1 Yes = 1
groth Other Reason reason for ICU admission
groth_0 No = 0
groth_1 Yes = 1
grren Renal reason for ICU admission
grren_0 No = 0
grren_1 Yes = 1
grresp Respiratory reason for ICU admission
grresp_1 Yes = 1
grresp_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
AFMAX_ORG max. Atemfrequenz /min
AFMIN_ORG min. Atemfrequenz /min
GCSAUG Augen öffnen
GCSAUG_3 3-auf Aufforderung = 3
GCSAUG_4 4-spontan = 4
GCSAUG_1 1-keine = 1
GCSAUG_2 2-auf Schmerzreiz = 2
GCSEST GCS geschätzt
GCSEST_0 No = 0
GCSEST_1 Yes = 1
GCSMOT beste motorische Reaktion
GCSMOT_1 1-keine = 1
GCSMOT_3 3-Beugesynergismen = 3
GCSMOT_2 2-Strecksynergismen = 2
GCSMOT_5 5-auf Schmerzreiz (gezielt) = 5
GCSMOT_4 4-auf Schmerzreiz (normale Beugeabwehr) = 4
GCSMOT_6 6-auf Aufforderung = 6
GCSVERB beste verbale Reaktion
GCSVERB_3 3-inadäquate Äußerung = 3
GCSVERB_4 4-desorientiert = 4
GCSVERB_1 1-keine = 1
GCSVERB_2 2-unverständliche Laute = 2
GCSVERB_5 5-orientiert = 5
HFMAX_ORG max. Herzfrequenz /min
HFMIN_ORG min. Herzfrequenz /min
MAPMAX_ORG max. MAP mm[Hg]
MAPMIN_ORG min. MAP mm[Hg]
SBPMAX_ORG max. systolischer Blutdruck mm[Hg]
SBPMIN_ORG min. systolischer Blutdruck mm[Hg]
TEMPMAX_ORG max. Körpertemperatur Cel
TEMPMIN_ORG min. Körpertemperatur Cel
URIN Urinausscheidung mL
URIN_DUR Dauer Urinmessung h
gcs GCS
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
AIDS_1 Yes = 1
AIDS_0 No = 0
BINGEW connective tissue disease
BINGEW_1 Yes = 1
BINGEW_0 No = 0
CHPEKAP proven chronic hypercapnia
CHPEKAP_1 Yes = 1
CHPEKAP_0 No = 0
CHPOX proven chronic hypoxia
CHPOX_1 Yes = 1
CHPOX_0 No = 0
DEMENZ dementia
DEMENZ_0 No = 0
DEMENZ_1 Yes = 1
DIAB_MOK diabetes mell with end organ damage
DIAB_MOK_1 Yes = 1
DIAB_MOK_0 No = 0
DIAB_OOK diabetes mell without end organ damage
DIAB_OOK_0 No = 0
DIAB_OOK_1 Yes = 1
HEMMAL hematological malignancy
HEMMAL_1 Yes = 1
HEMMAL_0 No = 0
HEPENZ hepatic encephalopathy / coma
HEPENZ_1 Yes = 1
HEPENZ_0 No = 0
HPETEN proven portal hypertension
HPETEN_0 No = 0
HPETEN_1 Yes = 1
HPETON severe pulmonary hypertension
HPETON_1 Yes = 1
HPETON_0 No = 0
HPLEG hemi or tetraplegia
HPLEG_0 No = 0
HPLEG_1 Yes = 1
IMMUN immuno suppression therapy
IMMUN_0 No = 0
IMMUN_1 Yes = 1
LEBZIR proven liver cirrhosis
LEBZIR_1 Yes = 1
LEBZIR_0 No = 0
LEUKAEM leukaemia
LEUKAEM_0 No = 0
LEUKAEM_1 Yes = 1
LUNGFIB pulmonary fibrosis
LUNGFIB_1 Yes = 1
LUNGFIB_0 No = 0
LUNGOTH other severe chronic lung disease
LUNGOTH_1 Yes = 1
LUNGOTH_0 No = 0
LYMPH malignant lymphoma
LYMPH_1 Yes = 1
LYMPH_0 No = 0
L_LEB mild hepatic disease
L_LEB_0 No = 0
L_LEB_1 Yes = 1
MKINF myocardial infarction
MKINF_0 No = 0
MKINF_1 Yes = 1
M_LEB moderate hepatic disease
M_LEB_1 Yes = 1
M_LEB_0 No = 0
NEC_MB respirator dependency
NEC_MB_0 No = 0
NEC_MB_1 Yes = 1
NYHA1_3 heart failure NYHA I - III
NYHA1_3_0 No = 0
NYHA1_3_1 Yes = 1
NYHA4 heart failure NYHA IV
NYHA4_1 Yes = 1
NYHA4_0 No = 0
OESOBLUT history of esophageal varices bleeding
OESOBLUT_1 Yes = 1
PAVK peripheral arterial occlusive disease
PAVK_1 Yes = 1
PAVK_0 No = 0
RADIO radiation
RADIO_0 No = 0
RADIO_1 Yes = 1
REN_DP dialysis dependent renal failure
REN_DP_1 Yes = 1
REN_DP_0 No = 0
REN_OTH other moderate kidney disease
REN_OTH_1 Yes = 1
REN_OTH_0 No = 0
SEKPZYT secondary polycythemia
SEKPZYT_1 Yes = 1
SEKPZYT_0 No = 0
TUMMETAS metastatic carcinoma
TUMMETAS_1 Yes = 1
TUMOTH other tumor
TUMOTH_0 No = 0
TUMOTH_1 Yes = 1
ULKUS gastric or duodenal ulcer
ULKUS_0 No = 0
ULKUS_1 Yes = 1
ZVASK cerebrovascular disease
ZVASK_0 No = 0
ZVASK_1 Yes = 1
ZYTTH therapy with cytostatic drug
ZYTTH_1 Yes = 1
ZYTTH_0 No = 0
cci Charlson Comorbidity Index
ce11 liver insufficiency
ce12 NYHA IV
ce13 severe lung disease
ce14 chronic dialysis
ce15 Immuno Compromised
diab Diabetes mell Typ 1 and 2
diab_1 Yes = 1
diab_0 No = 0
nyha Heart Failure
nyha_1 Yes = 1
nyha_0 No = 0
rendys renal dysfunction
rendys_0 No = 0
rendys_1 Yes = 1
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
ADD_AB zusätzliche / neue Antibiotikabehandlung
ADD_AB_0 No = 0
ADD_AB_1 Yes = 1
AKLZS_02 Allg.klin.Zeichen/Symptome der Infektion
AKLZS_02_4 verschlechtert = 4
AKLZS_02_3 persistierend (gleichbleibend) = 3
AKLZS_02_2 verbessert = 2
AKLZS_02_1 komplette Erholung = 1
KULTNW KulturnachweisUrsprungsort der Infektion
KULTNW_2 bei Einschluss bestehende Kultur nachweisbar = 2
KULTNW_3 neue Kultur nachweisbar = 3
KULTNW_1 kein Kulturnachweis = 1
KULTNW_4 keine Kultur verfügbar = 4
PINF_02 Pulmonale Infiltrate im Röntgenbild?
PINF_02_2 nicht rückläufig = 2
PINF_02_1 rückläufig = 1
PINF_02_4 not measured = 4
PINF_02_3 nicht mehr nachweisbar = 3
cc_d10 Clinical Cure Day 10
cc_d10_0 Missing = 0
cc_d10_2 Improvement = 2
cc_d10_1 Clinical Resolution = 1
cc_d10_4 Death prior to assessment = 4
cc_d10_3 Clinical Failure = 3
cc_d10_6 EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment = 6
cc_d10_5 Discharge prior to assessment = 5
cc_d14 Clinical Cure Day 14
cc_d14_0 Missing = 0
cc_d14_2 Improvement = 2
cc_d14_1 Clinical Resolution = 1
cc_d14_4 Death prior to assessment = 4
cc_d14_3 Clinical Failure = 3
cc_d14_6 EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment = 6
cc_d14_5 Discharge prior to assessment = 5
cc_d4 Clinical Cure Day 4
cc_d4_1 Clinical Resolution = 1
cc_d4_0 Missing = 0
cc_d4_3 Clinical Failure = 3
cc_d4_2 Improvement = 2
cc_d4_5 Discharge prior to assessment = 5
cc_d4_4 Death prior to assessment = 4
cc_d4_6 EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment = 6
cc_d7 Clinical Cure Day 7
cc_d7_0 Missing = 0
cc_d7_2 Improvement = 2
cc_d7_1 Clinical Resolution = 1
cc_d7_4 Death prior to assessment = 4
cc_d7_3 Clinical Failure = 3
cc_d7_6 EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment = 6
cc_d7_5 Discharge prior to assessment = 5
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
AGE Age a
HEIGHT Größe cm
PREC_H Größe, Genauigkeit der Angabe
PREC_H_2 estimated = 2
PREC_H_1 measured = 1
PREC_W Gewicht, Genauigkeit der Angabe
PREC_W_1 measured = 1
PREC_W_2 estimated = 2
RACE ethnische Zugehörigkeit
RACE_1 kaukasisch = 1
RACE_2 asiatisch = 2
RACE_3 hispanisch = 3
RACE_4 afroamerikanisch/afrikanisch = 4
RACE_5 other = 5
SEX Gender
SEX_1 Male = 1
SEX_2 Female = 2
STAT admission to ICU from
STAT_1 operating theatre = 1
STAT_2 other ICU = 2
STAT_3 Ward = 3
STAT_4 Emergency Room = 4
STAT_5 ambulance = 5
STAT_6 other hospital = 6
WEIGHT Gewicht kg
ZUW Type of admission
ZUW_1 emergency surgery = 1
ZUW_2 emergency [not surgical] = 2
ZUW_3 elective surgery = 3
bmi BMI kg/m2
bmi_gr01 BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien
bmi_gr01_0 BMI < 25 = 0
bmi_gr01_1 BMI >= 25 bis < 30 = 1
bmi_gr01_2 BMI >= 30 bis < 40 = 2
bmi_gr01_3 BMI >= 40 = 3
bmi_gr02 BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien
bmi_gr02_0 BMI < 20 = 0
bmi_gr02_1 BMI >= 20 bis < 25 = 1
bmi_gr02_2 BMI >= 25 bis < 30 = 2
bmi_gr02_3 BMI >= 30 = 3
bmi_gr03 BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien
bmi_gr03_0 BMI < 18 = 0
bmi_gr03_1 BMI >= 18 bis < 26 = 1
bmi_gr03_2 BMI >= 26 = 2
daily_doc_dur Duration of daily documentation
histsurg History of Surgery
histsurg_0 No = 0
histsurg_1 Yes = 1
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
EXCL02 Schwangerschaft
EXCL02_0 No = 0
EXCL02_1 Yes = 1
EXCL03 Stillzeit
EXCL03_1 Yes = 1
EXCL03_0 No = 0
EXCL19 Therapiebeschränkung
EXCL19_0 No = 0
EXCL19_1 Yes = 1
EXCL20 infauste Prognose
EXCL20_0 No = 0
EXCL20_1 Yes = 1
EXCL21 Teilnahme an anderer Interventionsstudie
EXCL21_0 No = 0
EXCL21_1 Yes = 1
EXCL22 Weitergehende Beziehung zum Prüfarzt
EXCL22_0 No = 0
EXCL22_1 Yes = 1
EXCL34 Selenintoxikation
EXCL34_1 Yes = 1
EXCL34_0 No = 0
EXCL35 Infektion m. längerer Therapieempfehlung
EXCL35_1 Yes = 1
EXCL35_0 No = 0
EXCL36 Teilnahme Forschungsprojekt
EXCL36_1 Yes = 1
EXCL36_0 No = 0
EXCL37 frühere Teilnahme
EXCL37_0 No = 0
EXCL37_1 Yes = 1
EXCL38 schwer immunkompromittierter Patient
EXCL38_1 Yes = 1
EXCL38_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
death Deceased
death_0 No = 0
death_1 Yes = 1
death_28 28d mortality
death_28_1 Non-Survivor = 1
death_28_0 Survivor = 0
death_90 90d Mortalitaet
death_90_0 Survivor = 0
death_90_1 Non-Survivor = 1
death_icu ICU mortality
death_icu_0 Survivor = 0
death_icu_1 Non-Survivor = 1
death_kh Hospital mortality
death_kh_0 Survivor = 0
death_kh_1 Non-Survivor = 1
dreas Reason for Death
dreas_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
dreas_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
dreas_8 anderer Grund = 8
dreas_99 unbekannt = 99
dreas_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
dreas_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
dreas_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
dreas_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
dreas_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
droth Other Reason for Death
dsd Study Day of death
lconsd study day of last contact
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
INFLOC10 urogenital
INFLOC10_0 No = 0
INFLOC10_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC10_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC11 andere Lokalisation
INFLOC11_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC11_0 No = 0
INFLOC11_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC1A Pneumonie
INFLOC1A_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC1A_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC1A_0 No = 0
INFLOC1B sonstige obere oder untere Atemwege
INFLOC1B_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC1B_0 No = 0
INFLOC1B_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC1C thorakal (Empyem / Mediastinitis)
INFLOC1C_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC1C_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC1C_0 No = 0
INFLOC2 gastrointestinal
INFLOC2_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC2_0 No = 0
INFLOC2_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC3 primäre Bakteriämie
INFLOC3_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC3_0 No = 0
INFLOC3_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC4 Katheterinfektion
INFLOC4_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC4_0 No = 0
INFLOC4_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC5 Knochen / Weichteile
INFLOC5_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC5_0 No = 0
INFLOC5_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC6 chirurgische Wundinfektion
INFLOC6_0 No = 0
INFLOC6_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC6_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC7 intraabdominal
INFLOC7_0 No = 0
INFLOC7_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC7_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC8_0 No = 0
INFLOC8_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC8_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOC9 kardiovaskulär (z.B. Endokarditis)
INFLOC9_1 Yes = 1
INFLOC9_0 No = 0
INFLOC9_9 Unknown = 9
INFLOCKN Lokalisation bekannt
INFLOCKN_1 Yes = 1
INFLOCOT Klartext, andere Lokalisation
INFSOURC Source of infection
INFSOURC_3 nosocomial [ward] = 3
INFSOURC_2 nosocomial [ICU] = 2
INFSOURC_1 community acquired = 1
anz_infloc Anzahl Lokalisationen der Infektion z...
infloc1 Respiratory Tract
infloc1_0 No = 0
infloc1_1 Yes = 1
infloc12 Abdominal
infloc12_0 No = 0
infloc12_1 Yes = 1
infloc13 other localisation (incl. Catheterinf...
infloc13_0 No = 0
infloc13_1 Yes = 1
infloc_gr02 Gruppierung lt Infektion zu BL
infloc_gr02_1 resp_tract = 1
infloc_gr02_2 abdomen = 2
infloc_gr02_3 all_others = 3
secinf Secondary Infection
secinf_1 Yes = 1
secinf_0 No = 0
ttsecinf Time to Secondary Infection d
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
dv_21d procedures to diagnose infection unti...
dv_21d_0 No = 0
dv_21d_1 Yes = 1
dv_7d procedures to diagnose infection unti...
dv_7d_0 No = 0
dv_7d_1 Yes = 1
dv_sum number of procedures to diagnose infe...
dv_sum_7d number of procedures to diagnose infe...
foksandy study days with focus sanitation
foksandy_7d study days with focus sanitation unti...
fsan_21d focus sanitation until EOS
fsan_21d_0 No = 0
fsan_21d_1 Yes = 1
fsan_7d focus sanitation until day 7
fsan_7d_0 No = 0
fsan_7d_1 Yes = 1
fsan_sum number of procedures for focus control
fsan_sum_7d number of procedures for focus contro...
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
BE minimaler Basenüberschuss (BE) mml/L
FIO2 FiO_2
HCTMAX_ORG max. Hämatokrit %
HCTMIN_ORG min. Hämatokrit %
PCT Procalcitonin ng/mL
PG_YN Mikrobiologie erfolgt?
PG_YN_0 No = 0
PG_YN_1 Yes = 1
PHMAX_ORG max. pH (arteriell)
PHMIN_ORG min. pH (arteriell)
SHCO3MAX_ORG maximales Serum-Bikarbonat mmol/L
SHCO3MIN_ORG minimales Serum-Bikarbonat mmol/L
aado2 Alveolo-arterielle Suaerstoffdifferenz
albmin_si Albumin h/L
bilmax_si Bilirubin max. umol/L
crpmax_si CRP mg/L
harn_si Urea max. mmol/L
hbmin_si Haemoglobin mmol/L
lakmax_si Laktat mmol/L
leukomax_si WBC max. G/L
leukomin_si WBC min. G/L
paco2_si paCO_2 mm[Hg]
pao2_si paO_2 mm[Hg]
pfratio_si paO_2/FiO_2-Ratio mm[Hg]
skmax_si Serum Potassium max. mmol/L
skmin_si Serum Potassium min. mmol/L
skreamax_si Serum Creatinine, max umol/L
skreamin_md Serum Creatinine, min mg/dL
skreamin_si Serum-Kreatinin, min umol/L
snamax_si Serum Sodium max. mmol/L
snamin_si Serum Sodium min. mmol/L
tpzmax_si Thrombozyten, max mg/L
tpzmin_si Thrombozyten, min G/L
urin24_b diurese (ml/24h) mL/24h
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
lits ICU length of stay d
lkh Hospital length of stay d
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
SELBL Selen before inclusion [up to 7 days]
SELBL_0 No = 0
SELBL_1 Yes = 1
SELBLD Total dose of selen before inclusion ...
STERO high dose steroids
STERO_1 Yes = 1
STERO_0 No = 0
net_vmin renal replacement therapy at study in...
net_vmin_1 Yes = 1
net_vmin_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
crpmax_si_ln nat log of CRP mg/L
lakmax_si_ln nat log of Lactate mmol/L
pct_central_d0 centrally measured PCT day 0 ng/mL
pct_central_ln_d0 nat log of centrally measured PCT day 0 ng/mL
proadm_central_d0 centrally measured proADM day 0 nmol/mL
proadm_central_ln_d0 nat log of centrally measured proADM ... nmol/mL
sel_central_d0 centrally measured Selen day 0 umol/L
sel_central_gr01_max centrally measured Selen
sel_central_gr01_max_0 < LNV = 0
sel_central_gr01_max_1 NORMAL = 1
sel_central_gr01_max_2 > UNV = 2
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
F28ABT Tage mit antimikrobieller Therapie
F28BT Anzahl Beatmungstage
F28DREAS Angabe zur Todesursache
F28DREAS_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
F28DREAS_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
F28DREAS_8 anderer Grund = 8
F28DREAS_99 unbekannt = 99
F28DREAS_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
F28DREAS_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
F28DREAS_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
F28DREAS_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
F28DREAS_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
F28DROTH Klartext zu anderer Todesursache
F28NT Tage mit Nierenersatzverfahren
F28STAT Aufenthaltsort FU28
F28STAT_7 nursing home = 7
F28STAT_8 at home = 8
F28STAT_5 in anderem Krankenhaus = 5
F28STAT_6 Rehabilitation = 6
F28STAT_3 im Krankenhaus: seit Studieneinschluss = 3
F28STAT_4 im Krankenhaus: durch Wiederaufnahme = 4
F28STAT_1 auf ITS: seit Studieneinschluss = 1
F28STAT_2 auf ITS: durch Wiederaufnahme/Verlegung = 2
F28SURV Patient verstorben?
F28SURV_1 Yes = 1
F28SURV_2 unknown, lost to FU = 2
F28SURV_0 No = 0
F28VP Tage mit Vasopressoren
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
TLP Terlipressin
TLP_1 Yes = 1
TLP_0 No = 0
VASO Vasopressin
VASO_1 Yes = 1
VASO_0 No = 0
VASOD Vasopressin Dosis IE/h
VASOH Vasopressin Stunden vor Studienbeginn
VI_YN Applikation Inotropika / Vasopressoren
VI_YN_0 No = 0
VI_YN_1 Yes = 1
adr_dsi höchste Dosis Adrenalin ug/kg/min
dobu_dsi höchste Dosis Dobutamin ug/kg/min
dop_dsi höchste Dosis Dopamin ug/kg/min
noradr_dsi höchste Dosis Noradrenalin ug/kg/min
vp_28d Patients with Vasopressors until day 28
vp_28d_0 No = 0
vp_28d_1 Yes = 1
vp_90d Patients with Vasopressoren until day 90
vp_90d_1 Yes = 1
vp_90d_0 No = 0
vpd_28d Days with Vasopressor Use until D28 (... d
vpd_90d Days with Vasopressor Use until D90 (... d
vpd_d0_eos Days with Vasopressors from day 0 to EOS
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
AB_YN Antimikrobielle Therapie erfolgt?
AB_YN_1 Yes = 1
AB_YN_0 No = 0
ab_21d AMT after inclusion until EOS
ab_21d_1 Yes = 1
ab_21d_0 No = 0
ab_28d Patients with AMT until day 28
ab_28d_0 No = 0
ab_28d_1 Yes = 1
ab_90d Patients with AMT until day 90
ab_90d_1 Yes = 1
ab_90d_0 No = 0
ab_bl AMT prior to inclusion
ab_bl_0 No = 0
ab_bl_1 Yes = 1
ab_cost_sum Cost of AMT [EUR] EUR
ab_eos AMT after inclusion until EOS
ab_eos_0 No = 0
ab_eos_1 Yes = 1
abd_21d Days with AMT until day 21
abd_28d Days with AMT until D28 (on ICU) d
abd_90d Days with AMT until D90 (on ICU) d
abdch21d Number of AMT Days until Change of AMT
abdpi21d AMT days for primary infection until ...
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
apache APACHE II (without imputation)
msof_sub01_21d meanSOFA without renal subscore until...
msof_sub02_21d meanSOFA without CNS subscore until d...
msofa_21d meanSOFA until day 21
msofacir_21d meanSOFA Subscore circulation until d...
msofacns_21d meanSOFA Subscore CNS until day 21
msofacoa_21d meanSOFA Subscore coagulation until d...
msofahep_21d meanSOFA Subscore hepatic until day 21
msofapul_21d meanSOFA Subscore pulmo until day 21
msofaren_21d meanSOFA Subscore renal until day 21
saps SAPS II (without Imputation)
sofa_b SOFA Score at baseline
sofa_eos SOFA at EOS
sofa_eot SOFA at EOT
sofacir_b SOFA Subscore Circulation at baseline
sofacns_b SOFA Subscore CNS at Baseline
sofacoa_b SOFA Subscore Coagulation at baseline
sofahep_b SOFA Subscore Liver at Baseline
sofapul_b SOFA Subscore Pulmo at baseline
sofaren_b SOFA Subscore Renal at Baseline
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
ODENZ Akute Enzephalopathie
ODENZ_1 Yes = 1
ODENZ_0 No = 0
ODHX Arterielle Hypoxämie
ODHX_1 Yes = 1
ODHX_0 No = 0
ODMETA Metabolische Azidose
ODMETA_1 Yes = 1
ODMETA_0 No = 0
ODPLT Thrombozytopenie
ODPLT_0 No = 0
ODPLT_1 Yes = 1
ODREN Renale Dysfunktion
ODREN_1 Yes = 1
ODREN_0 No = 0
ODSS Septischer Schock
ODSS_0 No = 0
ODSS_1 Yes = 1
ODTEN Arterielle Hypotension
ODTEN_1 Yes = 1
ODTEN_0 No = 0
anz_od Number of Organ Dysfunctions
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
MBART Art der Beatmung
MBART_3 invasive = 3
MBART_1 keine Beatmung = 1
MBART_2 nicht-invasiv: Maske = 2
mb_28d Patients with mech ventilation until ...
mb_28d_1 Yes = 1
mb_28d_0 No = 0
mb_90d Patients with mech ventilation until ...
mb_90d_1 Yes = 1
mb_90d_0 No = 0
ventd_28d Days with mech ventilation until D28 ... d
ventd_90d Days with mech ventilation until D90 ... d
ventd_eos Days with mech vent until EOS
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
F90ABT Tage mit antimikrobieller Therapie d
F90BT Anzahl Beatmungstage d
F90DREAS Angabe zur Todesursache
F90DREAS_99 unbekannt = 99
F90DREAS_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
F90DREAS_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
F90DREAS_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
F90DREAS_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
F90DREAS_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
F90DREAS_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
F90DREAS_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
F90DREAS_8 anderer Grund = 8
F90DROTH Klartext zu anderer Todesursache
F90NT Tage mit Nierenersatzverfahren d
F90STAT Aufenthaltsort FU90
F90STAT_3 im Krankenhaus: seit Studieneinschluss = 3
F90STAT_2 auf ITS: durch Wiederaufnahme/Verlegung = 2
F90STAT_5 in anderem Krankenhaus = 5
F90STAT_4 im Krankenhaus: durch Wiederaufnahme = 4
F90STAT_1 auf ITS: seit Studieneinschluss = 1
F90STAT_7 nursing home = 7
F90STAT_6 Rehabilitation = 6
F90STAT_8 at home = 8
F90SURV Patient verstorben?
F90SURV_2 unknown, lost to FU = 2
F90SURV_1 Yes = 1
F90SURV_0 No = 0
F90VP Tage mit Vasopressoren d
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
pa10_cond PCT algo conducted day 10
pa10_cond_1 Yes = 1
pa10_cond_0 No = 0
pa14_cond PCT algo conducted day 14
pa14_cond_1 Yes = 1
pa14_cond_0 No = 0
pa4_cond PCT algo conducted day 4
pa4_cond_0 No = 0
pa4_cond_1 Yes = 1
pa7_cond PCT algo conducted day 7
pa7_cond_1 Yes = 1
pa7_cond_0 No = 0
pa_cond at least one PCT algo conducted
pa_cond_1 Yes = 1
pa_cond_0 No = 0
pctalg Causal Therapy
pctalg_1 PCT_guided = 1
pctalg_2 not_PCT_guided = 2
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
rrt_28d Patients with RRT until day 28
rrt_28d_0 No = 0
rrt_28d_1 Yes = 1
rrt_90d Patients with RRT until day 90
rrt_90d_0 No = 0
rrt_90d_1 Yes = 1
rrtd_28d Days with RRT until D28 (on ICU) d
rrtd_90d Days with RRT until D90 (on ICU) d
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
OP Operativer Eingriff
OP_1 Yes = 1
OP_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
eosarzt Reason Investigators Decision at End ...
eosarzt_org Klartext zu ärztliche Entscheidung
eosdreas reason for death at EOS
eosdreas_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
eosdreas_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
eosdreas_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
eosdreas_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
eosdreas_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
eosdreas_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
eosdreas_8 anderer Grund = 8
eosdreas_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
eosdreas_99 unbekannt = 99
eosdreas_org Angabe zur Todesursache
eosdreas_org_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
eosdreas_org_99 unbekannt = 99
eosdreas_org_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
eosdreas_org_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
eosdreas_org_8 anderer Grund = 8
eosdreas_org_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
eosdreas_org_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
eosdreas_org_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
eosdreas_org_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
eosdreasoth other reason for death at EOS
eosdreasoth_org Klartext zu anderer Todesursache
eosreas Reason for End of Study
eosreas_19 IC refused by legal representative = 19
eosreas_99 other reason for EOS = 99
eosreas_11 decision of investigator = 11
eosreas_10 toxicity related to IMP = 10
eosreas_13 IC not obtainable = 13
eosreas_12 withdrawal of IC = 12
eosreas_15 IC refused by court appointed guardian = 15
eosreas_14 IC refused by patient = 14
eosreas_17 death after therapy = 17
eosreas_16 death under therapy = 16
eosreas_5 transfer to other ICU = 5
eosreas_6 transfer to other hospital = 6
eosreas_7 SAE related to IMP = 7
eosreas_2 end at day 21 = 2
eosreas_20 discharge home = 20
eosreas_4 transfer to ward = 4
eosreas_org Grund Ende Verlaufserhebung
eosreas_org_19 IC refused by legal representative = 19
eosreas_org_15 IC refused by court appointed guardian = 15
eosreas_org_17 death after therapy = 17
eosreas_org_2 end at day 21 = 2
eosreas_org_11 decision of investigator = 11
eosreas_org_99 other reason = 99
eosreas_org_12 withdrawal of IC = 12
eosreas_org_13 IC not obtainable = 13
eosreas_org_14 IC refused by patient = 14
eosreas_org_5 transfer to other ICU = 5
eosreas_org_4 transfer to ward = 4
eosreas_org_7 SAE related to IMP = 7
eosreas_org_20 discharge home = 20
eosreas_org_21 no central venous catheter available = 21
eosreas_org_10 toxicity related to IMP = 10
eosreas_org_6 transfer to other hospital = 6
eosreast other reason at End of Study
eosreast_org Klartext zu anderem Grund
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
ARDS_1 Yes = 1
ARDS_0 No = 0
LVLEUK Linksverschiebung (Leukozyten)
LVLEUK_2 no assessment = 2
LVLEUK_1 Yes = 1
LVLEUK_0 No = 0
PG_PNEU MiBi: Erregernachweis für Pneumonie
PG_PNEU_2 positive = 2
PG_PNEU_1 negative = 1
PG_PNEU_3 note done = 3
PINF_01 pulmonale Infiltrate
PINF_01_3 lokalisiert = 3
PINF_01_2 diffuse = 2
PINF_01_1 kein = 1
PINF_01_4 nicht bestimmt = 4
TRSEK Trachealsekret
TRSEK_2 reichlich (nicht eitrig) = 2
TRSEK_3 purulent = 3
TRSEK_0 kein = 0
TRSEK_1 wenig (nicht eitrig) = 1
cpispneu Pneumonie
cpispneu_1 Yes = 1
cpispneu_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
do_th Premature Termination of Treatment
do_th_1 therapy per protocol = 1
do_th_12 withdrawal of IC = 12
do_th_13 IC not obtainable = 13
do_th_14 IC refused by patient = 14
do_th_15 IC refused by court appointed guardian = 15
do_th_19 IC refused by legal representative = 19
do_th_7 SAE related to IMP = 7
do_th_10 toxicity related to IMP = 10
do_th_21 no central venous catheter available = 21
do_th_11 decision of investigator = 11
do_th_99 other reason for EOT = 99
eotarzt Klartext zu ärztliche Entscheidung
eotdreas Angabe zur Todesursache
eotdreas_2 Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen = 2
eotdreas_3 akute respiratorische Insuffizienz = 3
eotdreas_1 refraktärer septischer Schock = 1
eotdreas_6 kardiogener Schock = 6
eotdreas_7 durch andere Grunderkrankung = 7
eotdreas_4 kardiale Arrhythmie = 4
eotdreas_99 unbekannt = 99
eotdreas_5 Myokardinfarkt = 5
eotdreas_8 anderer Grund = 8
eotdreasoth Klartext zu anderer Todesursache
eotreas Grund für Beendigung Prüfmedikation
eotreas_19 IC refused by legal representative = 19
eotreas_13 IC not obtainable = 13
eotreas_14 IC refused by patient = 14
eotreas_11 decision of investigator = 11
eotreas_99 other reason = 99
eotreas_22 planned transfer or discharge = 22
eotreas_12 withdrawal of IC = 12
eotreas_15 IC refused by court appointed guardian = 15
eotreas_16 death under therapy = 16
eotreas_20 discharge home = 20
eotreas_21 no central venous catheter available = 21
eotreas_10 toxicity related to IMP = 10
eotreas_1 end of 21st infusion = 1
eotreas_6 transfer to other hospital = 6
eotreas_7 SAE related to IMP = 7
eotreas_4 transfer to ward = 4
eotreas_5 transfer to other ICU = 5
eotreast Klartext zu anderem Grund
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
HDIAG Hauptdiagnose
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
SIRSK Tachykardie (>=90/min)
SIRSK_0 No = 0
SIRSK_1 Yes = 1
SIRSL Leukozytose/Leukopenie/Linksverschiebung
SIRSL_1 Yes = 1
SIRSL_0 No = 0
SIRSP Tachypnoe/ Hypokapnie/ Beatmung
SIRSP_1 Yes = 1
SIRSP_0 No = 0
SIRST Hypo- oder Hyperthermie
SIRST_1 Yes = 1
SIRST_0 No = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
sevsepss Severity of Sepsis
sevsepss_1 severe sepsis = 1
sevsepss_2 septic shock = 2
sevsepss_0 no severe sepsis [Ex crit] = 0
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
PM_YN Prüfmedikation verabreicht?
PM_YN_0 No = 0
PM_YN_1 Yes = 1
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
GRSECINF Infection at study enrollment
GRSECINF_2 clinical evidence = 2
GRSECINF_1 microbiologically confirmed = 1
No description specified
ID Title Unit Formula Range Score
ARM Therapiearm
ARM_1 SelPCT = 1
ARM_2 SelKon = 2
ARM_3 PlacPCT = 3
ARM_4 PlacKon = 4
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