SISPCT SISPCT SISPCT year kg cm IE/h °C min mmHg ml h mml/l mmol/l % ng/ml d µg/kg/min G/l mg/l h/l µmol/l ml/24h mg/dl nmol/ml € kg/m² Therapiearm Gender Infection at study enrollment Hypo- oder Hyperthermie Tachykardie (>=90/min) Tachypnoe/ Hypokapnie/ Beatmung Leukozytose/Leukopenie/Linksverschiebung Akute Enzephalopathie Thrombozytopenie Arterielle Hypoxämie Arterielle Hypotension Septischer Schock Renale Dysfunktion Metabolische Azidose Schwangerschaft Stillzeit Selenintoxikation Infektion m. längerer Therapieempfehlung Therapiebeschränkung infauste Prognose schwer immunkompromittierter Patient Teilnahme an anderer Interventionsstudie Teilnahme Forschungsprojekt frühere Teilnahme Weitergehende Beziehung zum Prüfarzt Age [y] Gewicht (kg) Gewicht, Genauigkeit der Angabe Größe (cm) Größe, Genauigkeit der Angabe ethnische Zugehörigkeit admission to ICU from Type of admission Hauptdiagnose Coma/stupor/red of vigilance/delirium epileptic seizure focal neurological deficit intracranial bleeding intracranial brain mass respiratory insufficiency [COPD] respiratory insufficiency [aspiration] respiratory insufficiency [pneumonia] ALI ARDS pulmonary embolism cardiac arrest Septic shock cardiogenic shock hemorrhagic shock anginal discomfort Arrhythmia hypertensive urgency heart failure without shock acute prerenal renal failure acute intrinsic renal failure acute postrenal renal failure coagulation disorder [hemorrhage/DIC] severe hemolysis gastrointestinal bleeding severe pancreatitis acute abdomen liver failure Disorders electrolyte/acid-base balance hypo or hyperglycemia hypo or hyperthermia severe trauma gynecological / obstetrical reason post OP surveillance other reason other reason [text] Operativer Eingriff myocardial infarction heart failure NYHA I - III heart failure NYHA IV peripheral arterial occlusive disease cerebrovascular disease dementia pulmonary fibrosis other severe chronic lung disease proven chronic hypoxia proven chronic hypercapnia secondary polycythemia severe pulmonary hypertension respirator dependency connective tissue disease gastric or duodenal ulcer mild hepatic disease moderate hepatic disease proven liver cirrhosis proven portal hypertension history of esophageal varices bleeding hepatic encephalopathy / coma diabetes mell without end organ damage diabetes mell with end organ damage hemi or tetraplegia dialysis dependent renal failure other moderate kidney disease leukaemia hematological malignancy malignant lymphoma metastatic carcinoma other tumor therapy with cytostatic drug radiation immuno suppression therapy AIDS high dose steroids Augen öffnen beste verbale Reaktion beste motorische Reaktion GCS geschätzt Art der Beatmung Selen before inclusion [up to 7 days] Total dose of selen before inclusion [µg] Applikation Inotropika / Vasopressoren Vasopressin Vasopressin Dosis (IE/h) Vasopressin Stunden vor Studienbeginn Terlipressin min. Körpertemperatur (°C) max. Körpertemperatur (°C) min. Herzfrequenz (1/min) max. Herzfrequenz (1/min) min. systolischer Blutdruck (mmHg) max. systolischer Blutdruck (mmHg) min. MAP (mmHg) max. MAP (mmHg) min. Atemfrequenz (1/min) max. Atemfrequenz (1/min) Urinausscheidung (ml) Dauer Urinmessung (h) FiO_2 min. pH (arteriell) max. pH (arteriell) minimaler Basenüberschuss (BE)(mml/l) minimales Serum-Bikarbonat (mmol/l) maximales Serum-Bikarbonat (mmol/l) min. Hämatokrit (%) max. Hämatokrit (%) Procalcitonin (ng/ml) Mikrobiologie erfolgt? Source of infection Lokalisation bekannt Pneumonie sonstige obere oder untere Atemwege thorakal (Empyem / Mediastinitis) gastrointestinal primäre Bakteriämie Katheterinfektion Knochen / Weichteile chirurgische Wundinfektion intraabdominal ZNS kardiovaskulär (z.B. Endokarditis) urogenital andere Lokalisation Klartext, andere Lokalisation Pneumonie Trachealsekret pulmonale Infiltrate ARDS MiBi: Erregernachweis für Pneumonie Linksverschiebung (Leukozyten) Antimikrobielle Therapie erfolgt? Prüfmedikation verabreicht? Grund für Beendigung Prüfmedikation Klartext zu ärztliche Entscheidung Klartext zu anderem Grund Angabe zur Todesursache Klartext zu anderer Todesursache Grund Ende Verlaufserhebung Klartext zu ärztliche Entscheidung Klartext zu anderem Grund Angabe zur Todesursache Klartext zu anderer Todesursache Allg.klin.Zeichen/Symptome der Infektion zusätzliche / neue Antibiotikabehandlung Pulmonale Infiltrate im Röntgenbild? KulturnachweisUrsprungsort der Infektion Patient verstorben? Angabe zur Todesursache Klartext zu anderer Todesursache Aufenthaltsort FU28 Anzahl Beatmungstage Tage mit Nierenersatzverfahren Tage mit Vasopressoren Tage mit antimikrobieller Therapie Patient verstorben? Angabe zur Todesursache Klartext zu anderer Todesursache Aufenthaltsort FU90 Anzahl Beatmungstage Tage mit Nierenersatzverfahren Tage mit Vasopressoren Tage mit antimikrobieller Therapie Duration of daily documentation Reason for End of Study Reason Investigators Decision at End of Study other reason at End of Study reason for death at EOS other reason for death at EOS History of Surgery Number of Organ Dysfunctions Severity of Sepsis Neurological reason for ICU admission Respiratory reason for ICU admission Cardiological reason for ICU admission Renal reason for ICU admission Haematological reason for ICU admission Gastrointestinal reason for ICU admission Metabolic reason for ICU admission Other Reason reason for ICU admission Deceased Study Day of death study day of last contact 28d mortality 90d Mortalitaet ICU length of stay [d] Hospital length of stay [d] höchste Dosis Adrenalin [µg/kg/min] höchste Dosis Noradrenalin [µg/kg/min] höchste Dosis Dopamin [µg/kg/min] höchste Dosis Dobutamin [µg/kg/min] Laktat [mmol/l] Thrombozyten, min [G/l] Thrombozyten, max [G/l] CRP [mg/l] Albumin [g/l] Haemoglobin [mmol/l] study days with focus sanitation number of procedures for focus control focus sanitation until EOS number of procedures to diagnose infection procedures to diagnose infection until EOS PCT algo conducted day 4 PCT algo conducted day 7 PCT algo conducted day 10 PCT algo conducted day 14 at least one PCT algo conducted Causal Therapy Bilirubin max. [µmol/l] Urea max. [mmol/l] WBC min. [G/l] WBC max. [G/l] Serum Potassium min. [mmol/l] Serum Potassium max. [mmol/l] Serum Sodium min. [mmol/l] Serum Sodium max. [mmol/l] paO_2/FiO_2-Ratio [mmHg] paO_2 [mmHg] paCO_2 [mmHg] diurese (ml/24h) Serum Creatinine, max [µmol/l] Serum-Kreatinin, min [µmol/l] Serum Creatinine, min [mg/dl] GCS SAPS II (without Imputation) renal replacement therapy at study inclusion liver insufficiency NYHA IV severe lung disease chronic dialysis Immuno Compromised Alveolo-arterielle Suaerstoffdifferenz APACHE II (without imputation) SOFA Subscore Circulation at baseline SOFA Subscore Pulmo at baseline SOFA Subscore Coagulation at baseline SOFA Subscore Renal at Baseline SOFA Subscore Liver at Baseline SOFA Subscore CNS at Baseline SOFA Score at baseline meanSOFA until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore circulation until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore pulmo until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore coagulation until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore renal until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore hepatic until day 21 meanSOFA Subscore CNS until day 21 meanSOFA without renal subscore until day 21 meanSOFA without CNS subscore until day 21 SOFA at EOT SOFA at EOS Clinical Cure Day 4 Clinical Cure Day 7 Clinical Cure Day 10 Clinical Cure Day 14 Premature Termination of Treatment Days with AMT until day 21 AMT days for primary infection until day 21 Number of AMT Days until Change of AMT Secondary Infection Time to Secondary Infection [d] Days with mech vent until EOS Days with mech ventilation until D28 (on ICU) Days with mech ventilation until D90 (on ICU) Patients with mech ventilation until day 90 Patients with mech ventilation until day 28 Days with RRT until D28 (on ICU) Days with RRT until D90 (on ICU) Patients with RRT until day 90 Patients with RRT until day 28 Days with Vasopressors from day 0 to EOS Days with Vasopressor Use until D28 (on ICU) Days with Vasopressor Use until D90 (on ICU) Patients with Vasopressoren until day 90 Patients with Vasopressors until day 28 Days with AMT until D28 (on ICU) Days with AMT until D90 (on ICU) Patients with AMT until day 90 Patients with AMT until day 28 Other Reason for Death Reason for Death Abdominal other localisation (incl. Catheterinfect., CNS, card.vask, other) Respiratory Tract Anzahl Lokalisationen der Infektion zu BL [sonst Atemwege extra] Gruppierung lt Infektion zu BL AMT prior to inclusion AMT after inclusion until EOS AMT after inclusion until EOS study days with focus sanitation until day 7 number of procedures for focus control until day 7 focus sanitation until day 7 number of procedures to diagnose infection until day 7 procedures to diagnose infection until day 7 centrally measured PCT [ng/ml] day 0 centrally measured proADM [nmol/l] day 0 centrally measured Selen [µmol/l] day 0 nat log of centrally measured PCT [ng/ml] day 0 nat log of centrally measured proADM [nmol/l] day 0 nat log of CRP [mg/l] nat log of Lactate [mmol/l] centrally measured Selen Cost of AMT [EUR] BMI [kg/m^2] BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien BMI [kg/m^2] in Kategorien Diabetes mell Typ 1 and 2 Heart Failure renal dysfunction Charlson Comorbidity Index ICU mortality Hospital mortality SelPCT SelKon PlacPCT PlacKon Male Female microbiologically confirmed clinical evidence No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes measured estimated measured estimated kaukasisch asiatisch hispanisch afroamerikanisch/afrikanisch other operating theatre other ICU Ward Emergency Room ambulance other hospital emergency surgery emergency [not surgical] elective surgery No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 1-keine 2-auf Schmerzreiz 3-auf Aufforderung 4-spontan 1-keine 2-unverständliche Laute 3-inadäquate Äußerung 4-desorientiert 5-orientiert 1-keine 2-Strecksynergismen 3-Beugesynergismen 4-auf Schmerzreiz (normale Beugeabwehr) 5-auf Schmerzreiz (gezielt) 6-auf Aufforderung No Yes keine Beatmung nicht-invasiv: Maske invasive No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes community acquired nosocomial [ICU] nosocomial [ward] No Yes No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes Unknown No Yes kein wenig (nicht eitrig) reichlich (nicht eitrig) purulent kein diffuse lokalisiert nicht bestimmt No Yes negative positive note done No Yes no assessment No Yes No Yes end of 21st infusion transfer to ward transfer to other ICU transfer to other hospital SAE related to IMP toxicity related to IMP decision of investigator withdrawal of IC IC not obtainable IC refused by patient IC refused by court appointed guardian death under therapy IC refused by legal representative discharge home no central venous catheter available planned transfer or discharge other reason refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt end at day 21 transfer to ward transfer to other ICU transfer to other hospital SAE related to IMP toxicity related to IMP decision of investigator withdrawal of IC IC not obtainable IC refused by patient IC refused by court appointed guardian death after therapy IC refused by legal representative discharge home no central venous catheter available other reason refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt komplette Erholung verbessert persistierend (gleichbleibend) verschlechtert No Yes rückläufig nicht rückläufig nicht mehr nachweisbar not measured kein Kulturnachweis bei Einschluss bestehende Kultur nachweisbar neue Kultur nachweisbar keine Kultur verfügbar No Yes unknown, lost to FU refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt auf ITS: seit Studieneinschluss auf ITS: durch Wiederaufnahme/Verlegung im Krankenhaus: seit Studieneinschluss im Krankenhaus: durch Wiederaufnahme in anderem Krankenhaus Rehabilitation nursing home at home No Yes unknown, lost to FU refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt auf ITS: seit Studieneinschluss auf ITS: durch Wiederaufnahme/Verlegung im Krankenhaus: seit Studieneinschluss im Krankenhaus: durch Wiederaufnahme in anderem Krankenhaus Rehabilitation nursing home at home end at day 21 transfer to ward transfer to other ICU transfer to other hospital SAE related to IMP toxicity related to IMP decision of investigator withdrawal of IC IC not obtainable IC refused by patient IC refused by court appointed guardian death under therapy death after therapy IC refused by legal representative discharge home other reason for EOS refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt No Yes no severe sepsis [Ex crit] severe sepsis septic shock No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Survivor Non-Survivor Survivor Non-Survivor No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes PCT_guided not_PCT_guided No Yes Missing Clinical Resolution Improvement Clinical Failure Death prior to assessment Discharge prior to assessment EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment Missing Clinical Resolution Improvement Clinical Failure Death prior to assessment Discharge prior to assessment EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment Missing Clinical Resolution Improvement Clinical Failure Death prior to assessment Discharge prior to assessment EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment Missing Clinical Resolution Improvement Clinical Failure Death prior to assessment Discharge prior to assessment EOS (any oth reason) prior to assessment therapy per protocol SAE related to IMP toxicity related to IMP decision of investigator withdrawal of IC IC not obtainable IC refused by patient IC refused by court appointed guardian IC refused by legal representative no central venous catheter available other reason for EOT No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes refraktärer septischer Schock Sepsis induziertes Multiorganversagen akute respiratorische Insuffizienz kardiale Arrhythmie Myokardinfarkt kardiogener Schock durch andere Grunderkrankung anderer Grund unbekannt No Yes No Yes No Yes resp_tract abdomen all_others No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes < LNV NORMAL > UNV BMI < 25 BMI >= 25 bis < 30 BMI >= 30 bis < 40 BMI >= 40 BMI < 20 BMI >= 20 bis < 25 BMI >= 25 bis < 30 BMI >= 30 BMI < 18 BMI >= 18 bis < 26 BMI >= 26 No Yes No Yes No Yes Survivor Non-Survivor Survivor Non-Survivor